
Today I was reminded that that one particular rapist who keeps trying to return to the hacker community convinced some documentarians to make a whole movie about how he is really innocent and no one watched it or cared, which I think is absolutely the fate this guy deserves.
Although, if it's who I am thinking of, Canadian tax money helped make it, which is annoying.
If I was a Canadian taxpayer, I would be pretty mad. That guy is garbage and he will never stop trying to stage a comeback. It's pathological.
Yes. I usually care about a systemic solution for a class of problems, but in his case I make an exception.
christ, maybe this why Canadaland covered him recently
And it got Canadian tax credits.
Canadian tax credits have nothing to do with quality. Had a job years ago helping track shares of movie/tv tax credits for partnerships. All the tax guys care about is was it filmed here and is it not in the proscribed categories.
I'm absolutely willing to be locked in a room with him alone for 5 minutes. Just... Putting it out there.