Eva Marina Burckhardt

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Eva Marina Burckhardt


Caribbean illustrator | She/Her | Berlin based | #kidlit picture books | comics | editorial | Rep'd in 🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 by the Arteaga Agency

Portfolio: evamarinaburckhardt.com

🚫AI or NFT
Please note July's #KidLitArtPostcard event is getting pushed out one week due to the 4th of July holiday. You have an extra week to make a great promo piece #kidlitart illustrators. And an extra week for #kidlit art directors, editors, and agents to come on over to Bluesky.
Here are some little yogis for a Tuesday afternoon :) #kidlit #picturebooks #yoga
I’ve been rotating between feeling like all three of these characters lately! Right now I’m the main purple one (tendinitis flaring, brain juiced to the rind), but I hope to be the kitten making magic soon :’) how are y’all feeling, creatively? #kidlitart #illustration
End of feed.