
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
Agree on all of those but especially LAST HOUSE. When I finally got around to watching it I was amazed not at how tasteless it was, or badly-timed and badly composed and maybe okay shot. Just its...general SHODDINESS all around. Barely a generically professional film even on a basic level.
And they can say it's based on VIRGIN SPRING all they want. But THAT film is GOOD, so this is less than a parody, an insult. (and that stupid crap with the timewasting cop) Craven experienced a WEIRD jump in competence by the time of HILLS HAVE EYES, which IS an effective & pro film.
(I say this as someone who doesn't like Craven films that much anyway, but I can tell when he's at least made a solid one, even if it's not my thing. LAST not)
Matrix Reloaded: I dislike it too. Just flat characters standing around yaking about philosophy. Cool action, but is ultimately meaningless. The Goonies: I didn't grow up with it, but I found it fun, for what it was. The Breakfast Club: I'd need to rewatch it to see how I feel about it.
Last House: I'd need to rewatch it.