
Anyone else still take notes on paper during meetings or calls?
Always. It's all about physical media, and having a copy of something in a format that isn't subject to technological whims.
Always. I always have too many tabs and word docs open, I’d never be able to find my way back to my notes when someone sends a message or I need to look something up.
I'm all digital for notes, but some of my much younger coworkers use paper
Yes although I'm trying to get into the habit of recording Teams meetings in addition. I'm typically doing audit interviews so accuracy is very important. I often send a summary to the interviewee if I want to be absolutely sure
I do, but they are stupendously illegible.
I do both. Big events it’s easier to type on my laptop while recording. One and one stuff, sometimes I bust out the note pad.
Always. If I need to type them up later to share with anyone, that's fine, but I find my notes are more succinct if I have to write them out longhand. If I type, I basically transcribe, and then I have to *heavily* edit.
I'm also usually recording meetings, especially if it's a presentation/interview and then I can just scrawl a timestamp and summary instead of the quote
I'm sure if I were recording meetings / interviews I'd approach it differently, but where I am now I'm always but one person in the room, usually. I note the bits I know I will need to act on later, and trust in getting sent the slide decks or a recording for the rest if I need to double-check.