
Oh look, here's Bree gloating that someone who spends most of her time on Bluesky sharing news about Palestine and promoting Palestinian fundraisers is down on her engagement! She's a Normal Person with Very Normal Behaviours. At least she took the Palestinian flag out of her display name.
I don't think people who post about Palestine are worried about engagement, or they wouldn't continue to do so when many people forget about it as the news cycle runs its course. That and I don't quite understand the need to tie Palestine to our weird, unhealthy attention economy obsession.
could someone ask iman why they blocked me? they did it around when kairi contraptioned me, so i've been curious lol
If I had to guess it's probably because you said you were tight with Gree once.
but they haven't blocked gree; least not afaik, so it can't be that xD