Echoes in the Sky

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Echoes in the Sky

old aeromachines. oddities. concepts. old tales. sleek silver cigars. pedal-o-trons. war. action. occasional flying animal, stellar, and terrestrial guest stars
Friday energy "Dressage. A monkey, as a pilot, in a miniature plane, with which he makes small flights. Place and country unknown, 1913" (
just finalising our Summer in France, which at one point will involve a long drive to Paris from the Southeast. I noticed that - almost exactly halfway on the route - I had saved/hearted a location…
art by David Egge, for the article "Return of the Airship: There's a Blimp in Your Future", FUTURE LIFE magazine #15, Dec 1979 (
“Ascent of a Montgolfier Balloon at Aranjuez” Antonio Carnicero, ~1784. Oil on canvas ( actual aeronautical paintings from this period are rare - we mainly see illustrations/engravings - so this is good (what could the lady in the corner be selling - bread? pies?)
Carl Myers' "Sky-Cycle", which he developed from ~1880 onwards - resulting in patent US581218A in 1897 He had previously developed a hand-operated navigable system with his wife Mary (AKA "Carlotta, the Lady Aeronaut") under US318575A ( 1/2
a far-out proposal from the late 1980s from a German academic - Bernhard de Temple - who experimented with a number of "MOBA" (MOtor BAlloons): powered platforms or vehicles that effectively hung from a "stabilising aerostat" 1/2
an airship designed and built by Enrico Forlanini. I think this is the F.2 Città di Milano, destroyed in a fire on 9/4/1914. a second one was built for the British government, but not delivered due to the outbreak of WW1
the Schreck Eindecker, Diapason II - March 3, 1911 Schreck's odd-winged aircraft never properly left the ground. He later found success by founding the Franco-British Aviation (FBA) flying boat company (
BREAKING: Jacob Rees-Mogg’s campaign team, next to his Pemberton-Billing Nighthawk, awaiting his arrival for his final journey back to Olde England
I almost - ALMOST - made it to watching this live. Devastated
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
the calmest cat in the Channel 4 studio
another ~3.5 hours until the Grant Schapps result
the Reform UK candidate from “back home where I’m from” in Yorkshire has the following message in his leaflets: “I'm not a politician and I don't want to be one. I'm a hard working British family man, one of the few vou can trust. VOTE FOR ME what else do you have to lose?"
currently drinking gin and bitter lemon while flicking between the various UK election coverages. Channel 4 currently the most tasty, they should keep everyone in the studio for the entirety
I’m in North London, drinking in an area I’ve not been around for a good 15 years, to be greeted by this wonder
just arrived for my latest Bluesky Starter Pack audition. this crowd is particularly tough - the mask may have been a mistake..
“British Aircraft Corporation sales chart, Jan. 18, 1967, showing 69 Concordes on order"
while researching the balloon ascents of the British aeronaut Charles Green, I kept encountering adverts for performing MONKEYS AND DOGS. It seems they were a regular fixture at the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, in 1839 - as well as other venues in London and the UK.. 1/
“Josephine Berliner (wife of the inventor, & pilot Henry Berliner) poses with the new family obsession, one of Berliner's first experimental helicopters (then called a gyrocopter) College Park Airfield, Maryland (now the world's oldest continually operated airport[?]) c.1920"
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
“TRUE COVER STORY” a true American MALE only needs his trusty red scarf to infiltrate the Nazi war machine. Wonder what catchphrase he would use just before throwing the Mistel pilot out?
“oh René, I am but a simple stork, but I was drinking and gossiping and womanising with the other pilots at the weekend, and there are some things you should know..”
French air ace Lt René Fonck and the stork given to him by the Mayor of Lyon, 20 June 1918. (SPA 3 AD 82 Franck Daniau-Johnston/ECPAD)
"Suitable small wings or air foils may be provided at the sides of the head gear to produce a slight lifting action as the flyer moves through the air in a substantially horizontal position" (
recommendations for people to follow on here, please all skills, disciplines, leanings, specialities, and general vibes will be welcomed 🙏
tonight's light bedtime reading is "OCCULT SCIENCE DICTATORSHIP: The Official State Science Religion and how to get Excommunicated", by William Lyne - a collection of his works on UFO conspiracies and Nazi electro-saucers ( one of his designs using redacted Nikolai Tesla tech 🤡:
oversized historic aviation books, awaiting a new shelving solution
This is the hat I wear when I'm on Bluesky.
This is the hat I wear when I'm on Bluesky.
“It was revenge for Billy Batts..Batts was a made man and Tommy wasn't.. They even shot Tommy in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral, AND his blood went over all the WW2 aviation art by J B Deneen.. and dat was dat, kapish, badda-bing badda-boom"
this has been a great Netflix (UK) week