
Man am I going to miss the Milwaukee Public Museum. The sheer magnitude of artistry on display here is unparalleled, and I don’t think this much talent for creating dioramas and immersive spaces will ever be assembled on a museum budget again.
It’s for the best that the labels are basically illegible because there is old, imperialist cringe everywhere you look. But credit is due for the craftsmanship in these displays. They’re fascinating from a “museum of a museum” standpoint.
A few more pictures from today’s quick visit. Basically stopping every time I pass through the area before it closes next year.
For the unaware, MPM relocating to a smaller building in 2027. It’s the only option because they’re currently in a municipally-owned building that the city has been deferring maintenance on for decades. The new plans are nice, but there’s so much exhibitry that will be lost.
Future Museum | Milwaukee Public */
I absolutely loved this museum as a kid. I need to make sure we do one last visit before they move it all over
Old Town Milwaukee was my favorite place to go whenever I went, I would always go into the candy shop and buy some candy ... just because it felt quaint and lovely. I'm sad I'll never be able to experience something like that again, but glad to have been able to all the same. 💙
Good news actually, the candy shop is one of the things being carried over to the new museum
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