
Soulslike gamers just let people play the game how they enjoy it without putting them down, level: impossible
I play elden ring with mods to increase damage taken and remove I-frames. Anyone who plays easy mode or easy mods is missing out on a whole world of... absolutely nothing. The dopamine isn't skill-based it's based on overcoming by any means and still nobody's business how anyone wants to enjoy it...
100% agreed. Like, I respectfully don’t care that others are going for as hard a run as they want so why do people care that I’m going to the easiest, cheesiest run I can? 😭 I just wanna enjoy the story & the exploration & the visuals/art of the game! There is more to these games than “it’s hard” 😔
I was fine with this until Dark Souls 3 where even the developers were like "fuck you if you do anything but dodge roll through attacks, we're removing tanking as a playstyle entirely"
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Soulslike developers just let people play the game how they enjoy it without nerfing them into the ground, level: impossible
I love Souls games! You should play them however you want to :D
Yesssssss 100%! That's the goal! People should just love the games. 🥺🙏
Exactly! Sorry to ruin the impossibility of the mission though XD We reasonable fans do exist :D
Haha it's okay! Gamers just like to feel accomplished (understandable) and if other people enjoy something but in a "less rewarding way" ... some folks just get really upset about it. I dunno. 🤷‍♂️
You'd think they'd feel more special for doing it themselves when others didnt! Oh well XD
I am sorry but I just can't accept anyone who claim to have "beat the game" who didn't beat it using a guitars hero controller
*shreds through Malenia, whammy bar finishing move* and now? 😎
Do it blindfolded or it doesn't count 😡
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