

Gustav Stresemann jumping out of a window, shouting "cheese it"
I'm not saying describing yourself as the most influential environmentalist in the country aside from David Attenborough is worth five years on its own but I'm not NOT saying it.
There is really no excuse not to publish sentencing remarks for any case that results in even a little public interest and certainly in the case of JSO defendants
Depression is just seeing the world accurately and the cure for depression is pretending that you don't
Russell Brand has endorsed Trump - and Biden should be worried.
When she left office I just thought Truss was a bit mad and actually felt sorry for her but her constant references to cultural decline really creep me out.
Honestly I still think Biden wins this thing
Gareth Southgate is the 2012 Olympic opening in a waistcoat send tweet
Honestly impressed by Trump's ability to identify a worse human being than himself
Come the next international tournament there will be as long between Three Lions being composed and the competition as there was between 1966 and Three Lions.
If Alan Shearer says the word 'quality' again I will not be responsible for my actions.
timing watching the football so I don't see a second of any montage
Hard core Corbyn supporters continue to be the worst fucking people
Reposted by Gerry
My latest Guardian Books cartoon.
"Seumas I'm not sure this is a good idea"
Pretty convinced Biden will run and win.
If this is a loveless landside what does that make 2019 eh Jeremy?
Love to see Jeremy Corbyn recycling Daily Mail talking points
Get me Keir Starmer's non union New Mexican equivalent.
I'd be much less hostile to the Corbyn-ite left if they weren't so enamoured of Scottish independence
You, an idiot: hidebound by a dead ideology Me, a genius: a unconstrained thinker and problem solver with a well thumbed copy of The Road to Serfdom
Saw Don't Look Now for the first time last night. Enjoyed it but something about how it's aged made it a bit Victoria Wood if that makes sense?
People who don't want a bank holiday should be on a register
that Lancet article links to a document that I'm fairly sure isn't the document they are citing? Sort of think you might want to get correct
Did Callaghan and Kinnock appear on the front page of every newspaper with advice when Blair won in 97? Fairly sure they didn't and he wouldn't have been impressed if they had
Gary Sambrook has eaten his last big dinner
I'm just an idiot sitting here being an idiot but it makes me happy to have a PM who went to a normal university for once.
Was stressed overnight but have woken up delighted and relieved. Can't wait for Labour to get on with it.