
I also think that anyone who claims that pigs could easily be taught and trained to do everything that companion and working dogs can do is not actually familiar with either working dogs or pigs. (And that pigs have to WANT to do this). Very different species with very different motivations!
I think some anti-meat activists really gloss over how humanity spent 1000s of years molding dogs + cats into companions and co-workers who pretty intuitively understand our emotions- we haven’t done this with pigs and cows. It’s not exactly shocking that many people thus don’t want to eat pets.
Fun data point: while it's well known that pigs are traditionally used for truffling, and are in fact better scenting truffles, modern practice typically uses dogs, who unlike pigs can actually be trained not to eat the truffles or destroy mycelia
Yep. A pig does not wish to please.
Neither does a dog, as far as I can tell. Dogs want to please themselves, surely?
We have absolutely hard-coded dogs over thousands of years of selective breeding to care about our opinions, especially the working breeds.
Dogs know that making humans happy will get them treated well
yes but dogs understand that figuring out how to please us is an easier way to get what they want than trying to survive on their own