Faith Erin Hicks

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Faith Erin Hicks

Eisner award winning, NYT bestselling writer & drawer of comics. Newest graphic novel is Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy, out now from First Second Books. Very tired always. She/her
My main BG3 disappointment was that I never met Gale's cat. I found her on a rooftop in Act 3, but Gale wasn't in my party; she shot a fireball at me & vanished. Never saw her again. :(
It's over, I saved Baldur's Gate. I love my friends so much. What a game. 😭😭😭
Me & Karlach making out after slaughtering a million imps, covered in gore, Wyll standing awkwardly to the side, pretending to be super interested in a rock he found 👍👍👍
I killed the Gigantic Braaaain! And then I went to Hell with Karlach. Couldn't give her up, we'll find a way to fix her heart while meting out some revenge on Zariel. I love my hot girlfriend (Wyll came too, he's ok).
I killed the Gigantic Braaaain! And then I went to Hell with Karlach. Couldn't give her up, we'll find a way to fix her heart while meting out some revenge on Zariel. I love my hot girlfriend (Wyll came too, he's ok).
Feeling Opinionated today: I don't care for Alex Garland's whole thing and I really hope another director gets to adapt Annihilation someday. I fucking loved those books & the movie adaptation was not it for me.
Recently I found out that Asterion's voice actor also played Heisenberg in Resident Evil Village & it absolutely floored me. What are actors even???
Well I am super glad I'm not drawing any comics next week & don't have to touch my cintiq 🙃
Baldur's Gate 3 update: I'm at the final boss fight. I'm not ready for it to end. I'm not readyyyy 😭😭😭
The airport scanner ate my sunglasses. :( At least they were old. And only cost $20 when I bought them.
I watched Moonstruck last night (first time seeing it) with my mom. I really enjoyed it and wow .......... what IS Nicholas Cage??? What IS he??
Felt proud of myself for handing in a project early, then realized today is a Canadian Freelancer Holiday (American holiday) lol.
Dammit. I made the mistake of doing some work for hire writing that I really like & now I'm worried they won't let me use it 😬
Just a round boi, standing in front of a girl, asking her to acknowledge all the socks he's brought her. ❤️
Super glad my favorite childhood author (Lloyd Alexander) is dead & never tweeted. 🙃
Perhaps a few more
you know when you start doing a thing and then you dont eat until its done ? Well thats why im calling this DONE and posting it because I'm so hungry 🖌️ ANYWAY, ITS the Dark Princess from rainbow Brite. Again , slight redesign tweaks but I wanted to keep her fun tacky vibe.
We got KFC to celebrate my late dad's birthday. I haven't eaten it in like 6 years (at my dad's 70th birthday) & oh my god KFC can still get it 👍👍👍
My niece: You're my favorite author! Me: 😭😭😭 My nephew, to his sister: you only know two authors. Me ... still, I beat the other one. 😅
I felt the urge to do a lil redesign of Stormy from Rainbow Brite. I wanted to keep it recognizable to the original, just tweak the palette and shapes a little.
My brother (who has kids) showed me the Dad Baby episode of Bluey & holy crap what subversive art! Fight gender constructs, Bluey!
My mom & I are playing a fun game comparing food prices between Ontario and BC and BC is losing 99% of the time. 🥲
Since my dad passed away in March my mom has been going to a grief share group. Today she told me that 2 people in the group who were there to morn their late spouses started dating!!! Omg the drama!!! 😱😱😱
My Ontario cat tour continues: visiting my late father's cat Cannoli. My mom thinks he remembered me, but I think he's just desperate for attention.
A Good Thread ❤️
SOAPBOX TIME I hate how many times I read things like "nobody cares about the world" and "humanity is the virus" and "our species is too inept/evil/selfish to survive" online. I almost never see anyone talking about the many, many people who are doing incredibly hard, complex, good work
My friend Noreen took me out for a gorgeous omakase meal last night. I'd never had sushi this way before, it was incredible. 😍
Would you like more pics of the sad eyed boi & his fave spot?
There is no greater high than successfully navigating another city's public transit. 😤