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Fearse zombee fiter #ZSHQ, Gween Ops Ninja, #weeti, #IFC, Sooper Hewo, Ham Luver.

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I noes yoo gots sumfing I noes it gots cheez Yoo cannot pwetend Dat I not smell or sees Yoo gots to hab manners Yoo noe yoo must share Now gib me a bite Cuz dat only be fair #CheddarPoetry #SharingIsCaring #GibMeNow #Cheez #Nummy #IWantsSum #INotGwabCuzIBeGood #StillNoFin
I not likes yoo, zombees Yoo makes me bery mad Yoo sneek into my yard Yoo stink and be lots bad I not likes yoo, zombees Yoo twy to get in heds But if I finds yoo, zombee I gonna make yoo deds! #CheddarPoetry #IGonnaDedAllDaZombees #RAWRR #ZombeesMakeSadsAndHurts #StillNoFin
Figgy finks he big boy But a big boy he not be He jus like a baby And he nuffing be like me He all soft and silly Making biskits, singing song Liddle Figgy, neber big Foreber heer belong #CheddarPoetry #SillyFiggy #FiggyBe1ButHeStillLikeABaby #ILuvsMyBrudder #IProteksHim #NoFin
I roll in da dirt My warryer paynt I eat me sum gwass My salady snak I go on pawtrol My duty for all I see Figgy follow My brudder, all baby I hiss and say no My chek must be kleer I not let him come My brudder, not reddy #FiggyWachTilISayItOkForHimToCome #HeNotGoodWarrryerYet
Altho it hot, I still wants out I go to dor, I plee and pout I go outside, I get my way I go eksplor, I go and play But it not long til I is done Da hot too hot, it not be fun I go inside, I not want mor I turn to puddil on da flor #CheddarPoetry #TooHot #CheddyPuddil #NoFIn
Sunbeam be hot Boyling da air Da hous like a oben We all go downstairs We sleeps ware it kool Wen beddytime comes Da mama's hed hurts From all da big hot I sleep beside mama Protekting her, purring Figgy comes too And sings lollybye #TooHot #HurtyHed #ProtektingMama #NoFin
Figgy in da jungil Playing Figgy games Finking he be fearse Wen he jus small and tame Hiding in da flowers Hunting bugs and flys Moobing slow and kwiet Copy me, he twies Figgy Figgy in da jungil As he starts to sing e e e e e e e a eeee eeee! #CheddarPoetry #SillyFiggy #NoFin
Sunbeam be hot Too hot for outside Da warm makes me sleepy I nappy all day As da hot gets less hot We get to go out I lie in da gwass It's kool on my tum Den we go bak in Da hous now hot too As day turns to nite I kwietly sleep #FinMaybeCame #SpycamSawHim #TooHotForTrubble
Mama gots a hurty hed It prolly from da hots Sunbeam shining bery bwite Dat hurts da mama lots All da nite, da mama hurt Today, she in my care I will halp her hed get well Cuz hurty heds not fair #CheddarPoetry #SunbeamGettingTooHot #INotLikeDaHot #HurtyHed #MiteNotHartOrWeply
In da yard, as I eksplor I smells da toona Toona sammich I spot da mama on da step And I smells toona Toona sammich I come kwik, befor she's done Cuz I wants toona Toona sammich I start to gwab, makes shur she shares Cuz I likes toona Toona sammich #Tonna #Sammich #NoFin
Figgy stands up tall Pulling down a bwanch He look all kurryus Den diggys in da gwass Mama gos to see Wat da Figgy found A liddle fuzzy bee! Buzzing on da gwound Mama takes da bee But he buzz so much he fall Befor she gets him bak He gos in Figgys tum #BeesNotForEats #DeyNummy
I finds da spot In da garden korner I diggy a hole But not too deep I makes a pee All ninja fearse Making shur da zombees noe Dat I is heer Making shur dey noe Dat dis my yard and hous I leeb my mark But deen Figgy comes He diggy digs And messes it all up
I has pawtee, played all day And it be so much fun! Now I has a tired And my birdie day is done Fank yoo for da messyjes So many still to weed I will do dat later cuz A nappy's wat I need #CheddarPoetry #IBe7Now #INeedNappy #MiteNotHartOrWeply #StillNoFin
It my happy birdie day Now seben years I be I be big and I be fearse And all da ham's for me! #CheddarPoetry #BirdieDay #Birthday #IFearseLion #7YearsOld #FiggyFinksItHisBirdieDayToo #Ham #StillNoFin
Dedding zombees one by one Underneef da bwite warm sun Find a spot dats in da shade Wach as sunbeam starts to fade Go inside, my hammik bed Stwech and west my tired hed Fall asleep, my vest still on Dweaming of da fites I won #CheddarPoetry #TomoroMyBirdieDay #IGonnaBe7 #NoFin
Rolling all awound Stweching out all cute I bops yoo on da hed I bops yoo on da hed Weaching out my paw Pulling yoo in close I bops yoo on da hed I bops yoo on da hed #BopYooOnDaHed #DenIGwabYorHand #DenIKissy #MaybeIBite #ItNiceBite #StillNoFin
Mama ses dat she needs a bwake Ware we all be good Ware we all be kwiet Mama ses dat she needs a west Dat we not make trubble Dat we not make fites Mama asks, pweez jus for one day Dat we all behabe And not dribe her nuts #INotWantMamaToBwake #IAlwaysGood #NutsBeNoms #NoFin
Sunbeam dissypeers Dark clowds come in Blowing all blowy Den rain starts to fall We go inside I wach from da window I cwy at da dor As a kwiet funder rawrrs I cwy and I cwy Til mama gibs in I go out, all nakey And togeber we sit Waching da rain Waching da storm
Out in fwont, in puppy's yard Da Figgy climed da twee I go tell da mama fast, Dat not shud ware he be! Figgy sings a song of joy He dos not understand He gonna get in trubble As he's skooped by mama's hand #CheddarPoetry #SillyFiggy #BadFiggy #IHasMaybeClimedDatTwee #StillNoFIn
Deep in da forwest I eksplor and I hunt I kwietly step I carefully lissen I smell da flowers I smell da twees Den I smell a smell Dat tikkles my tummy I follows da smell Of a chikken sammich I finds da mama Da smell on her hands Da smell on her bweff Da chikken sammich All gone
Silly Figgy climes da twee Up and down Up and down Mama ses he be like me Up and down Up and down She pulls her hair out payshintly Up and down Up and down #CheddarPoetry #SillyFiggy #MamaSesHeAsBadAsMe #ButINotBad #IBeGoodBoy #StillNoFin
I stayed lots close I cuddled, purred Til mama's hed Be better, kured But ober nite It come attak And mama's hurty hed Be bak #CheddarPoetry #HurtyHed #ItNotNice #ITakeCareOfMamaTilSheBetterAgen #MiteNotHartorWeply #StillNoFin
Mama closes da kurtins Hiding da sunbeam Making it dark inside She lies on da sofa Puts ice on her hed She be all still She be in pain I clime up beside her Purring softly I kwall under da blanky I stay til she better #HurtyHed #MiteNoteHartOrWeply #PurrMeddysin #StillNoFin
Sunbeam be out All warm and bwite Den dissypeers As dark clowds come fast Funder starts to RAWRR And rain pors from da sky I wach from inside As eberyfing gets blowed As da storm calms I cwy at da dor Den mama and me We sits on da step Waching da storm As it fades away
Socky Muffin be da boss And Socky, she be kween Socky noes most eberyfing And now she be siksteen! Eben tho she hits my hed And neber wants to play I still luvs her and I wish Her happy birdie day #CheddarPoetry #BirdieDay #Siksteen #SockyDaBoss #INotLikeItWenSheHitsMe #NoFin
Da Figgy bad, he runned away From mama bery fast He run and run and run until Two houses he go past At da fird, he found a twee He clime up fast and pwoud Den da mama skooped him up Cuz dere he not allowed #CheddarPoetry #FiggyGotInTrubble #IBeGoodBoy #FiggyBad #FinNotCome
Wen sunbeam wakes I wakes up too I looks outside Ask, how is yoo? Sunbeam winks, And tho too soon, I turns awound And gib full moon #CheddarPoetry #MooningMeansShowingBumbum #IShowMyBumbum #SunbeamLikesMyBumbum #ILuvsSunbeam #NotShurWhyBumbumBeMoonTho #DaMoonBeDaMoon #NoFin
As Socky has a nap Under sunbeam's warm As Chewy serbs sum tee Den gos to puppy's yard As Figgy runs awound Climing eberyfing I stay by mama's side Making shur she's safe #AndDenIWesslesMama #MaybeIBiteButItANiceBite #ITakingCareOfDaMamaGood #IEatedABug #stillNoFin
Mama sits on da step Witing in a book Wen suddenly she smell Da stink of a poo She looky awound She chekky her shoo She not be shur Why it stinky like poo Den pwoudly I trot From behind da hous Cuz it had beed me Who maked stink of a poo #StinkyPoo #IBurryedIt #DaStinkEskape
Hallo, liddle bug Liddle fwend in da gwass All shy and small and hiding Kwalling all awound I can smell yoo dere And I likky lik da gwass Come heer, liddle bug Come heer, liddle fwend Den yoo come to me On my tung, in my mouff I likky lik yoo up Liddle fwend, in my tum