
if you think lolicons should be shot on sight, you're a fascist. straight up, you advocate the elimination of what you see as "degeneracy" from society
i don't care whether or not you like loli art. your taste is your taste. but when you get to the point where you seem to think it's appropriate to call everyone who likes it (or even thinks neutrally about it) a sex offender and a danger to society, you are the danger to society log the fuck off
it's a drawing. a cartoon. a fantasy. lines on paper you were told by people who were upset that their voltron ship wasn't canon that the people who make most of the art you consume are ontologically evil and you keep parroting it
"is lolicon bad" even if it was, jt would pale in comparison with teaming up with feds to harass queers into deleting accounts
"i cant believe people are relitigating "is lolicon bad" because imo it is" you are literally the one doing the relitigating by bringing it up as if its anything but a drawing
fuck off and learn to leave people alone lolicon is better than fascism either you accept that or you join the fascists
"loli" was used as a p neutral term with a meaning more like "moeblob" or "chibi" in weeb circles for far longer than its current connotation pushed by the anti-anime voltron fancop squad
the relitigating was always the fault of all you idiots following along with whatever highbie FBI agent account wants you to do to make the internet more acceptable to corporations and fascists
you all got conned into becoming conservatives when you saw 1 pornography drawing that tumblr told you you were bad for liking pathetic
hey, that's insulting to FBI agents she actually worked for the genocide factory
(I have to read the rest of ur thread but I'm sure I'll agree with it lmao)
i've been in and around otaku communities for a long, long time, and when anime started getting way more mainstreamed in the 2010s a few facets magically became "problematic elements" that needed to be expunged.
there's no accounting for taste, but nobody is harming anyone by using art or narratives for comfort regardless of how "problematic" the fantasy would be irl, because its not, nor will it be, irl
i need “lolicon is better than fascism” printed out on a shirt or framed
Who you spoken to? Kinda interesting
i blocked the person who made me mad but i was still mad so im mostly just ranting these are the ravings of a drunk loli
thank u for delivering this kokona