
I use ChatGPT to write complaints and claim charge back under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. If my request is denied, I reply with another AI-generated wall-of-text until they give up and agree to at least a partial refund. Got 1,209 pounds in the last 6 months.
I hope it’s because you have legit complaints and are tired of not being taken seriously and not because you’re a dirtbag.
They're using ChatGPT so I'm pretty sure we know what the answer to that is
Well if I wanted to badger a shady entity into doing their jobs but didn’t want to invest loads of my own time writing walls of text I could see using it. Besides 1200 over 6 mos is a terrible return for a scam but a hell of a victory for someone tired of being trod upon. 🤷🏻‍♀️