
Getting a bit frustrating to see people on here say over and over again “why doesn’t Biden just use his new power under Trump v US to appoint 4 new SCOTUS justices and then they can fix everything?” I don’t want to defend Trump v US, but people owe it to themselves to understand why it’s bad.
The bad part is that it gives him the ability to arrest six of them, not put six new ones on the bench. On the other hand it does give him the ability to arrest a bunch of sitting Congress members who wouldn't vote to add six more.
Sure, but this is also what I’m getting at. These are profoundly bad and corrosive means toward a “good” end. It’s like trying to build a house when your only tool is an acetylene torch.
It's an unfortunate circumstance the supreme court is putting us into by stripping us of all the other tools, I agree.
But you can’t build a house with a torch. You can maybe use it to bluntly help shear off the parts of the house you don’t like but you’re left with a lot smaller and shittier place to live.