
I'm not an AI hater, I think it's a tool and we'll figure out how to use it well, but... oh god no DocuSign, I don't want an AI summary of a legal agreement. Maybe the AI can find errors or show changes or context... but certainly not summarize it!
Maybe the AI can also sign it on my behalf, that would save even more time!
Let me do it: you will sell your soul and we will take a hell of a lot of money from you.
I found it quite interesting actually, I've usually run a legal document in ChatGPT to summarize it to quickly graps the key points. Why you don't find it useful?
By the time we get to signature, the key points are not the... point. By then the fine implications should be the focus.
Yes I agree on the general idea, in order to have a reasonable understanding of a legal document you should eventually read it whole and understand it (well). But when you share it with a Lawyer aren't you actually asking for an "informed summarization" from an expert point of view?
Yes. Do you think an LLM can provide that? A summarization that takes into context the applicable law, risks relevant to my business, and the specifics of how certain language plays out in court? In my experience LLM summaries are “this thing talks about X and says Y, more or less”.
I suspect it'll take fine tuning, and (in the short term) still not a replacement for a real lawyer if the stakes are high. There's a huge potential for saving people from being taken advantage of in smaller agreements where one wouldn't typically pay for a professional.
Also, is worth noticing that the feature is still behind a CTA that you need to press, as a user you will be better informed to know when to use the capability and when not too. - Super legally binding document that can put me in jail if misread? Maybe not - Standard templated contract? Go ahead
Umm, probably not the current version of publicly available LLMs, but that should be the idea. It's a metter of context size, but in principle summarization of text documents is one of the things that LLMs do"kinda good". 1/2