As Sparks Fly Upwards

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As Sparks Fly Upwards

Failed writer, failing better. MDANT, so there's that.
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
Ireland 2008-2012 "We have a problem, all these ghost housing estates & nobody to live in them, no idea what to do" Ireland 2019-present "We have no houses, all our children are emigrating rather than live with their parents or pay rack-rent for cardboard bedsits" I wish someone would explain this
Currently in Rhodes, trying to eat lunch adjacent to one of those English tables, where the quietest voice belongs to the crying baby. Who is having her nappy changed. At the table. While Grandad expounds on his history of the British monarchy. Which is ... creative, shall we say.
Shameless Greek Cats - a series:
(1) Staying overnight in Kallithea. Delightful apartment, dominated by the spiral staircase illustrated below. Lady F made comment about my much-storied acrophobia, then recanted when she tried to negotiate the staircase herself.
'Eclectic' doesn't even begin to do justice to the Hobo Kiosk's décor.
What's the worst earworm you ever had to contend with? I'm currently being assailed by "A Bushel And A Peck", and the day may end badly. #earworm
I've just realised that #Rizz is what people who can't spell Charisma think they have.
"There is a large graveyard filled with my enemies. They have torches, pitchforks, and shovels, and they are digging a new grave. This is a troubling development ..."
Perhaps if we get • the summer holidays over before we start worrying about Halloween • Halloween out of the way (or possibly even the anniversary of JFK's assassination) before we start worrying about Christmas • further into the year than New Year's Day before we start buying Easter eggs ...
When we ordered these - the second, inevitable round - the barman shook his head at the waiter and muttered 'Locura'. #Barcelona can be giddy and strait-laced.
End of feed.