Fantastic Mr Flint

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Fantastic Mr Flint

Fluffier-than-average music-loving twerp & part-time grumph roo. 🇫🇮 stuck in 🇬🇧.

Music reviews:
Other places:
The officially best section of The Decemberists' 20-minute prog epic "Joan in the Garden" off their latest album is the synth that takes over at around 17 mins and transforms the song into a Mega Drive era Sonic zone theme.
Of course the weather on the day I return to work is beautifully sunny with no clouds in the sky, after a long weekend of nothing but gray misery and rain. *Of course*.
Honestly love how each of Cassandra Jenkins' albums so far have finished* with songs called "Halley", "Hailey" and "Hayley", and I'm looking forward to seeing how long she keeps it up/how long it takes until she rans out of spellings. *technically 2nd last on Overview but last non-ambient song
New Cassandra Jenkins album turned up (just the standard, nixed on the Rough Trade special edition). Gave it a couple of stream listens yesterday and it's *very* good. Hyped to give it a full headphone listen tonight, the spacey sound is gonna be perfect for late night zoning out.
Music review: OK, post-holiday review break over! Moving on with the Death Cab discog, the band experiment with a studio-layered sound and... it's time to bring out the high scores because this is one of my personal all-time big ones. 2005's Plans.
Highlights from Friday’s Pokémon meet up!
Made the mistake of glancing at my work emails ahead of Monday :(.
Slowly approaching your general vicinity on this fine #FursuitFriday .
Caved in and bought Last Epoch from the sales. Been playing it for a bit as a Primalist (aiming for Beastmaster) and not 100% vibing with it though usually pet classes are my thing. Might restart with another class and see if that feels better.
As a brief update to my ongoing travel through the Finnish chart history, right before AC I finished reviewing the#1 Finnish hits of 1991! International smashes, butt rock, latter day singles from industry veterans and, uh, some ugly casual racism. It's a year!
I've written up some thoughts about AC, first time in years I've felt like doing a little "journal" post-con. In summary, overall it was a really magical experience, one of my all-time favourite con experiences and affirmed why I love this fandom so much.
AnthroCon Well that was certainly an experience. AC '24 was my first Anthrocon and my third US con in total (many more to come I hope!). In the past I've quite often brushed off AC as a furry holiday destinati...
QOTD and I just got up
OK I've had the chance to unpack, I'll type up some Full Thoughts on AC later on but in the meantime, while I'm winding down from the transatlantic travels... time for the CD updates everyone's been waiting for.
We have arrived back in the Blighty, safe and sound for most part if sleep deprived. Get home, get shopping done, get first laundry cycle on, then I give myself permission to relax.
stupid gay boyfriend
I mean he's not exactly my type but who am I to disobey a command?
Waiting our flight back at the airport now. I've had such a good holiday but looking forward to a few days of quiet unwinding at home, catch up on some music review stuff etc.
The two speakers on this café are slightly out of sync with one another, so every song sounds like it's been remixed by Aphex Twin.
Went to Anthrocon this weekend and I took a bunch of pictures from the set of “I’ve Made Too Much Pasta”. If you’re in the mood for some surplus pasta, visit this link here:
I’ve Made Too Much Pasta at AC 2024 - Closeted sociologist disguised as a photographer, saving life one fraction at a time.
I always forget how great oranges taste like in the US and I'm going to miss the local fresh OJ.
"Quiet pledges, a full suiter is talking."
Our flight doesn't leave until Tuesday evening so today is reserved for touristy stuff around the Pittsburgh area. Hope to get the opportunity for some record shopping on the side too!
Me: has to leave an event early and plans to make a discreet exit. My foot: has gone completely asleep and leads me to very visibly almost falling over in front of everyone. My mind: got it, saved these 10 seconds in the memory bank as one of the defining moments of AC2024.
The US con experience of the last full day also being the closing/departure day is such a weird vibe I had forgotten about. #FlintAC