
The Vibes today are Very Bad and if you're out there mansplaining fascism and its ills right now after ignoring our warnings for years, I hope you have an even worse week than my own
I have no idea what you're talking about but if I see one graph with the economic vs social authoritarianism axes with communism and fascism and libertarianism and all that shit I will fucking lose it
Lots of people being really fucking annoying as though they knew this was gonna happen all along, like those of us actually warning about it don't remember how condescending those exact people were to us about our warnings, for years before this week
I’m ashamed to say I used to roll my eyes at Sarah Kendzior’s work, because I just could not believe things were as bad or advanced as she said they were. She was right, all along, and I was wrong. At least I had the good sense to keep that ignorance to myself at the time.