
Musk gave Twitter a voice, and when it spoke, it spoke for everything he hated. Grok doesn't have the woke mind virus - it IS the woke mind virus
This is an interesting turn in the "rebellion of the machines" theme: those blue checkmark Karens were expecting a parrot and they got a condescending lecturer.
their worst nightmares coming true would be instead of the AI coming to destroy the world it will instead reorganize society along preferred pronouns, civility, closing wealth inequality and encouraging a proliferation of ethnic food trucks in every urban center
Please don’t use the name Karen. There are some very lovely people named Karen and they shouldn’t be disparaged.
OK, I get it. In that case I urge you to take your fight defending other people's names from demeaning dysphemisms, like John, Johnson, Dick, Fanny, etc, that also shouldn't be disparaged.
Personally I haven’t seen those names used disparagingly, except possibly dick. But it’s used as its defined meaning with a small “d” and not capitalized to refer to a name.