James Tullos is finally here

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James Tullos is finally here


Aspiring writer and YouTuber wasting time on here. He/him. That's only there to trigger the reactionaries.

Reality show idea: The Bachelor but instead of some random hot dude, he's a Saudi Prince.
American culture began to die when AMV's went out of style.
I didn't find community at Pride. I found a new home. Please forward all your mail to me to my new address: The Rainbow Dumpster Seattle WA 98109
I don't understand people who were only children. What did you do all day when you were 7? Play with your mom?
Apparently Crave by Tracy Wolff is the center of a lawsuit right now. Having not read it, I can't comment but this looks bad. #books #fantasy
To avoid burning out on my main project, I've started taking ideas from my idea folder and turning them into short stories. It lets me practice, gives me room to breathe, and allows me to flesh out the ideas a bit and (maybe) turn them into full books one day. #books #writing
Sometimes I imagine Ned Flanders shouting racial slurs in public.
This season on House of the Dragon. Will they find a house that fits the dragon's needs and budget? Will the dragon have to scale back? Can we find a bungalow that can fit a dragon that has a spacious backyard?
Why don't foot fetishists win anything? . . . Because they love the smell of defeat.
Mythologies that are overused in fiction: - Greek - Norse - Shinto - Christian (to a lesser extent) Ones we should use instead: - Aztec - Egyptian - Celtic - Chinese
What do you call a Middle Eastern newspaper in New Orleans? Al Jazz-era
Alabama and Mississippi should be combined. They're the same state, stop lying to yourselves.
I drank an entire can of monster energy and then ate a medium pepperoni pizza by myself. They're currently fighting over whether I should go to sleep or stay awake for the next 15 hours.
The worst feeling in the world isn't being alone. It's wanting chocolate chip cookies when there are none in the house.
Within the next year, there will be drama because a video on how "The Rise of Skywalker" wasn't bad will be made and become popular. Prepare yourselves.
Okay, I've officially started sending out queries to literary agents. Wish me luck! #amwritingscifi #amwriting
Why is it that people who went to private Catholic schools are all psychotic? What do they teach there?
The fact that YouTube allows ads that are over an hour long is insane in every universe.
I tried putting myself in your shoes but they were too small.
DM me if you've got fat titties and/or a fat wallet.
Now that American public opinion is largely against Israel, there's going to be a concerted push to blame everything on Netanyahu and pretend replacing him will solve everything. #news #politics
This is Joe Biden's America 😡😡😡
I'm bored enough that I'm writing a screenplay about this. Fuck it.
Someone needs to create a sitcom in the style of The Office about a mafia crime family.
“As speaker of the house I will basically attempt to usher in an evangelical theocracy and also I’m gonna sit in the stands for this trial of a serial adulterer who paid hush money to a porn star” look we all contain multitudes
Does anyone else regularly prune their book collection when they run out of room? I feel like the only one who does that. #books
Someone needs to create a sitcom in the style of The Office about a mafia crime family.
If The Sopranos came out today there would be an episode where Christopher loses all his money on NTFs. "It's on the block chain, T! That means the price'll go up forever!"