
My 2023 favorites, Songs of Our Lives Style. Music that made me happy, made my cry, tapped into my romantic side, changed my perspective, & more. And, for the first time ever, an actual AOTY pick from FD. All this + so, so much more. Thanks for being here.
Hey Brad, I'm listening to the Mayssa Jallad album right now. Have you heard this Melanie De Biasio album "Il Viaggio" ? Check it out. Also from this year.
I have not! Can't wait to check it out, though. This is my favorite part about publishing the FD list - it leads to a whole bunch of people introducing me to other great stuff I missed this year.
finally listened to this today - love it! Thanks so much for the rec.
Awesome, I knew you'd like it based on the other stuff you wrote about