
I resemble this remark. However, I recently did the local AIDS walk with my family, and someone ran up to me from behind, and yelled "Freddie!" It was a childhood friend of my sister, 7 years younger than me. I played with her brothers. How she recognized me so many years later, I have no clue.
While looking at my 40th(!) class reunion photos (almost all white HS) I was astonished to realize I could not identify *any* of the men. The women were all identifiable, looked great. This is the opposite of what we are told about men’s and women’s looks as they age. Huh.
My wife says it's likely the funny way that I walk. I wore corrective braces as a child, but like the ADHD meds a few years later it didn't take. Only recently did I find the ADHD community and get meds that help.
That’s great news! A new start.