Jim Allenby

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Jim Allenby


Host of Doctor Who podcast - What’s In The Box? • Writer • Reader • Runner • Singer/Songwriter • Doctor Who fan • 42 years • Daydream believer 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ally
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In Part Two of my chat with Conrad Westmaas we explore a very different box, and we take a trip to the theatre... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Half Marathon Training: Run 239 - First run in over a week and I felt it. Pains and aches in places I forgot existed! I’m really going to have to push myself over the next couple of months now. Fingers crossed.
In Part Two of my chat with Conrad Westmaas we explore a very different box, and we take a trip to the theatre... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
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In Part One of my chat with Conrad Westmaas we go on a personal journey to Longleat and escape to the Starliner… As a side note this chat with Conrad was one of the most heart warming ones I’ve done. ☺️ podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
In Part One of my chat with Conrad Westmaas we go on a personal journey to Longleat and escape to the Starliner… As a side note this chat with Conrad was one of the most heart warming ones I’ve done. ☺️ podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Reposted byAvatar Jim Allenby
In this special, single episode I chat to Big Finish writer Robert Valentine (@mrrobvalentine.bsky.social) about Barnes Common, the TARDIS itself, and a plethora of monsters!!! podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Half Marathon Training: Run 238 - I forgot to post Friday’s run. Just another 5K and another fast one. I’m probably not going to be running for a week now as I’ve got some personal matters to attend to, but I’m hoping that next weekend I’ll get back to some longer ones.
In this special, single episode I chat to Big Finish writer Robert Valentine (@mrrobvalentine.bsky.social) about Barnes Common, the TARDIS itself, and a plethora of monsters!!! podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
8.3 - The Claws of Axos - I'm never sure where I sit with this story. I really like it, but it sometimes feels a bit flat. But it's thoroughly entertaining. The Master and the Doctor working together is gold. The Axons look great, and the story really utilises its effects. 8/10
I’m not very political and don’t usually talk politics but…let’s get ‘em out! 🙏
Parts One and Two of my chat with David Gillespie-Pratt (@davidgjp1983.bluesky.social) are now available to listen to! Fandom! Underrated stories! Yeti! Orphans! We had a blast recording this one. 😁 podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Half Marathon Training: Run 237 - Tuesdays run. Just a 5K. I felt fast and felt good. But that’s about it. Onwards and upwards (and forwards!)
In Part Two of my chat with the lovely David Gillespie-Pratt (@davidjgp1983.bsky.social) we're heading underground, and we're chatting about the orphans of Doctor Who... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
8.2 - The Mind of Evil - This always feels like a hangover from the previous season. It’s a strong story with fascinating ideas. The prison setting grounds the story in reality and it features memorable characters such as Barnham and Mailer. Yates also gets lots to do! 8/10
8.1 - Terror of the Autons - The show gets fluffed up and loses a bit of its edge, but it also gains a lovely, cosy feel. Delgado’s Master is a perfect adversary for Pertwee, Katy Manning is perfect as Jo, and all of a sudden we’re in a comfort era. Oooh, and Autons! 8/10
Half Marathon Training: Run 236 - My 10K run from Saturday. It was an extremely stressful day and I don’t think I was at my best during the run, but I got out there and did it and it helped.
I saw her. I couldn’t resist her. I bought her! 😁
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In Part One of my chat with the lovely David Gillespie-Pratt (@davidjgp1983.bsky.social) we talk about fandom itself, and we dive to the bottom of the barrel... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Reposted byAvatar Jim Allenby
In Part One of my chat with the lovely David Gillespie-Pratt (@davidjgp1983.bsky.social) we talk about fandom itself, and we dive to the bottom of the barrel... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
Season 7 rankings: 1/ Inferno (10) 2/ Spearhead from Space (9) 3/ The Ambassadors of Death (8) 4/ The Silurians (8)
7.4 - Inferno - One the bleakest, most terrifying stories I’ve ever seen. Episode 6 is one of my favourite episodes. The whole story is so desperate with its haunting, ambient music, brilliant guest cast, alternate characters and terrifying early versions of the Primords. 10/10
For SEVEN days, folks. Seven sodding days… 😫 But on the plus side it’s my last time ever. New job starts August 1st! 😁
Join Jeff (@jeffgoddard.bsky.social) and me as we travel to Dido, explore the origins of Davros, wax lyrical over dollies, and share the Jodie love! Part’s 1 & 2 are available now! A new guest will feature this weekend! podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...
7.3 - The Ambassadors of Death - It's a favourite of mine. Gorgeous music, great location work, brilliant direction, creepy spacemen (the scene where the Ambassador takes its helmet off...brrr!) It's maybe an episode too long, but I still love it! 8/10
Half Marathon Training: Run 235 - Today's very warm 5K run. I took a trip up to the woods to try and banish some emotional demons. It didn't really work, but it was a lovely evening anyway. Fingers crossed I can aim for a long one this weekend.
So proud of my little man after he took part in his first ever sports day yesterday. He makes me so proud every single day! 💙 And no matter how difficult my days get, he is my reason to keep going.
“Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly” 🎶🎶
In Part Two of my chat with the magnificent Jeff Goddard (@Jeffgoddard.bsky.social) we talk Doctor Who figures, and we discuss an era very close to both of our hearts... podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drw...