friggin french

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friggin french

friendly funeral home bitch. being alive is weird. AHOY!
don't tell me how to live
[spam call] me: yeah what caller: Miss French? me: take me off your list call: you don't even know what this is about me: AHHHHHHHHH *click*
get rid of all the clothes you don't wear anymore today. drop them off at a thrift store or one of those bins in random parking lots. buy yourself a little treat and tell a stranger they look nice. text your bff that you love them. find shapes in the clouds. snap into a slim jim.
use yourself as a reference for art more often, you beautiful bitch!
do we think she even meets the kamalafications?
excited to announce I'm the third hottest chick in this Mexican restaurant
I love that we live in a timeline where we can dunk on the president online in front of god and everyone, if we're looking for silver linings
did anyone else grow up with an unrealistic idea that they'd somehow come to own a grandfather clock one day? like as some sorta rite of passage that you aren't even sure of?
it's wild to me that some conservatives think that Jesus flipping tables in the temple means Jesus would definitely have driven a cyber truck while open carrying
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“Barack Obama a cryptid????” would do numbers on that pro-MAGA version of Twitter, known as [checks notes] oh it’s just Twitter
if homelessness is illegal and there's a surplus of homeless people, why are we not helping them overthrow the entire government? if they're going to jail regardless, let's pour some fucken fuel on the fire nah'mean
I really don't need things. Not expensive or even costly things. Just collections of love sprinkled in little bits of "I thought of you" on various shelves and tables and walls throughout the house.
recently had someone tell me that I look like I know exactly who salad fingers is. unclear if this is a burn or not, but yes I do.
A jeef a day keeps Dr Dre away
we should've started the debates with Panera lemonades
we should be able to mail screams to peoples home addresses, we have the technology
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me *elbow nudging guy next to me* that’s what good pussy sounds like self-checkout kiosk: [repeatedly saying UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA]
a weird thing about working at a funeral home is the first time you get a whiff of the crematory outside and think it smells like bbq until you realize
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If u can’t handle me at my worst (spending my entire paycheck on scratchers) then u dont deserve me at my best (spending half of my paycheck on scratchers)
my baby brother used to say "I can't want to" when he was uninterested in something. now he's 27 and I'm still saying that unironically.
if you're ever feeling weird about being alive, just know that I have a tattoo that represents my ex-husband while his only tattoo is New Hampshire's state motto
on one of my first dates with my ex-husband, we went to play laser tag with some pals. my guts had been rumbling all day, but I was ignoring it. after the first game, we're in the holding room & I slipped a silent but deadly fart. chaos erupted and I played along. you know this about me now.
instead of donating my body to science, I wonder if I can donate it to a hydraulic press YouTube channel
really wanna go full lady whistledown on my workplace
her: you should've invited me! me: [immediately whips out party invitation] her, reading: you're cordially invited to fuck off? me: [already gone]
a man on Twitter posted a video of a woman's hair before and after a haircut and basically said no man wants the short hair, women should stop performing for other women. I told him I hope his mom punches him in his junk. I'm now not allowed to tweet for a week while he's bullying her. thanks Elon.
bitch if enya comes on, I'm stopping what tf I'm doing and breathing a few deep breaths and imagining and foggy countryside real quick. I don't even play about enya.
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me: take this you Nazi bastards *throws a grenade into a bunker* everyone in the children’s bouncy castle:
instead of telling someone "it'll be okay" every time they're sad, what if instead we validated their current feelings? examples: • this shit blows • you should yell about this • your mom/boss/president joe biden can go straight to hell you get it