
To the NSFW creators reacting to the the BS payment processors have been on in general, a call to action: the ACLU now has a petition on MasterCard and will likely use it to assess the legal resources to assign to this case. Sign and let them know this is important!
Patreon, Squarespace, Gumroad. My hand slipped and I contacted the ACLU and the MA Bar Association for legal assistance. If you’ve been fucked over by draconian nsfw bans please join my Mastercard Injury Mailing List.
Mastercard: Sex Work is Work. End Your Unjust Mastercard's new policy unfairly targets the adult content industry, making sex workers more vulnerable, especially Black trans women. It must be stopped.
glad to see this spreading around bluesky! the protection of sex work goes hand-in-hand with freedom of information. please consider concurrent threats like the KOSA act, and remember that sexual and queer liberation is in global solidarity of the oppressed 🇵🇸 - we all have roles in the revolution
Mastecard isn't the only one Visa is blocking it as well... they both have for almost 2 years now.
If one falls, the other will follow - a court case that rules on anti-trust in the favor of users will set a precedent that would entice Visa to be wise to knock it off.
Exactly, it sets a worrying precedent. If we don't nip it in the butt soon, hundreds of jobs could be compromised.
Ugh, so sick of fucking moral policing. Protecting children is always the excuse, never the intention. God FORBID people actually have autonomy over thier own bodies
I support the initiative, but we have to remember that we are going to fight with the capitalists, with the top of the pyramid, with those who really dictate the rules of the game "no, it's not the governments nor the politicians", the system was made by them and for them, it will not be easy.
Sadly petitions don't do anything. It's not like a legally binding contract or anything, these companies can keep doing evil shit regardless of how many signatures there are on a petition.
Petitioning a company to stop doing evil shit doesn't work, but this isn't that. This petition is for the ACLU, not Mastercard, petitioning them to sue Mastercard and use their resources to right for SW rights.