
🎉 Crazy to think it's now been over a year since FurryList launched. It's been amazing seeing how much the furry community has grown here since the site launched - and a welcome escape from other places... Here's to another year! What are you most looking forward to? ~
Thank you guys for helping furries organize, it's great having kind of a central way to connect with the fandom!
On that note, consider following to let users bridged from (indie-)fedi join your feeds too. I currently can't follow you on main since your account isn't visible to it, for example.
👀👀 I’ll give it a go - I didn’t realise they had this working for feeds
The feeds themselves wouldn't be bridged, but it'd still allow individual users to appear in them here since their bridged posts are native on Bluesky. I don't think is planning to bridge feeds at this time, though in theory it would be possible to show non-personalised ones as Actors.
Normally it should follow back to confirm, but maybe something's stuck right now (since my lasted post on main also isn't appearing). I'll ask in the project in a few hours in case it's not happened by then.
There was unfortunately an outage yesterday that caused Bridgy Fed to miss new followers on the Bluesky-side. Apologies for my bad timing, I could have noticed this. Please un- and re-follow it, it should work within a few seconds then:
Several accounts not bridged bsky > masto · Issue #1164 · snarfed/ Several Swedish accounts tried to bridge from bsky > mastodon the last two days, however several accounts didn't get bridged, although some did, cannot really see a pattern. Accounts that didn't ge...
(It's fortunately more resilient on the ActivityPub side since that has backpressure, so if someone bridged follows from there, that should go through reliably.)
ooo, so follows are synced through via a new atproto account for your fediverse account? so it would only take us following that account for all accounts to see im gonna look into that.
Yep, though they need to (re)follow *after* bridging their account to here, since prior follows aren't synced yet. Mine's at (The service shouldn't be used for NSFW posts at this stage, but that's relevant only for direct users of bridgy, not boosts/reskeets.)
This is assuming you're using a relay firehose or the appview API to listen for events, at least, since Bridgy uses its own PDS rather than the Bsky one. This account here is bridged as on ActivityPub, but doesn't really have a web page there that I could link.
I'm looking forward to going to Furry Migration!!! My new apartment is basically attached to the hotel!!!
Me? Probably joining Oli at Anthrocon next year.
I think I’m looking forward to publishing my first book.(maybe) spent a while writing it, and a couple others.
Thank you for organizing and setting up this list! It helped me a lot! 🥹
Very appreciative of all the work you've done over the year! The various lists you make have definitely improved my bluesky experience c:
Looking forward to another year 😁