
Biden ending his campaign is one thing; Biden *resigning* would mean: a) endless GOP House "investigations" on Kamala Harris "covering up" Biden's mental state; b) the GOP House and broken Senate both have to confirm the new VP, they won't, and GOP will blame Dems. It's simply not a viable plan.
I think you basically have the same issues with Biden withdrawing; it practically invites the House GOP to ask how Biden can be fit for office, yet unable to campaign. Also, the DC press won't care—they'll run endless "cover up" stories in either case.
That one at least has an easy answer: Biden is withdrawing from the campaign because he's fine now, but he's thinking about what he might be like four years from now. He's being a prudent steward, etc.
Yeah, this isn't hard. He did what he set out to do! He saved the country from Trump. He deeply wanted to do it again, but he knows it's better now to pass the torch to the VP so she can lead us into the future! Do it for Old Joe, and blah blah blah. It's an EASY sell!
This is the story that gets written if he makes the decision not to run a year ago, not now, after he’s been pushed out by his party after bombing a debate. What gets written now are endless insider “how did we get here?” pieces.
Yeah but the voters who matter don't read that shit. Come on. You sell them with the tearjerking spectacle at the convention.
Those voters don't know about any of this yet, lol! They'd still be surprised to hear Biden's in any trouble. (Doesn't mean he might not be fucked. Elite circle jerks are a hell of a drug.)