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Amy -
Part-time Goblin 🐸
Folklorist researching the Folklore and Ghostlore of Shropshire 👻

Teacher of Religious Studies

Writer of 'The Best Of Men' -A Shropshire folk horror 🦇

-Currently working on a book about The Devil in Shropshire Folklore
My debut folk horror audio drama is now available! Enter a world immersed in Shropshire Folklore, ruled by Devil Himself. There's something very strange afoot up the stiperstones!
This stunning mosaic headstone commemorates the life of a young boy who died in tragic circumstances. Handmade by his mother, it's a testament to her love. Charles Arthur Turner deserves to be remembered 💚 #History #Shropshire
In some parts of Shropshire, it was believed lucky to meet a frog whilst on a journey. For a weary traveller, the frog was an omen of safe passage and good times ahead. #Frog #Shropshire #Folklore
In 1807, reports of a 'Great Goblin' appearing as a ball of light were reported on a road between Shrewsbury and Welshpool. The local postman was plagued by this entity. It would perch upon his horses back, clinging to the animal. Fear caused many to avoid this road. #Folklore #Shropshire
Shropshire Folklore states that 'England shall be ruined when the Stiperstones sink into the ground'. The Devil understands this and is often seen jumping up and down on the stones like a petulant child, hoping his weight will sink them to earth. #Folklore #Shropshire #TheDevil
📣 BIG NEWS📣 My friend Alix and I are really excited to share that we are working on a project bringing together our love of history, folklore, and Shropshire. We will be introducing ourselves and the project really soon! We can't wait!!! #Folklore #Shropshire #History
John Randall wrote that there was a 'certain old building' in Madeley, Shropshire that was 'Haunted by Fairies'. On moonlit nights, they could be seen dancing around the building and getting up to all sorts of mischief.
Eustace Beard' Trowman. Benthall Churchyard, Shropshire. 'From rocks and sands, the Lord Delivered me, and many times from danger set me free. My body home he brought among my friends to rest. My soul sing hallelujah with the blest' 💚 #Shropshire #graves
It's my ✨️birthday✨️ I'm entering my 30s, endlessly grateful and still loving Harald Hardrada ( my friend is a legend for leaving this in my classroom)
The stunning Holy Trinity church, Middleton-in-Chirbury, is filled with ornate carvings by Reverend W. Brewster. These carvings depict creatures from myths and local legends, such as the folktale associated with Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle.
In Tong Church, garlands of roses were placed on the heads of Virgin Mary statues on Midsummer's Day. After they were removed in the Reformation, the garlands were placed on the foundress of the church, Lady Isabella de Pembrugge. This tradition continues to this day. #Folklore #Shropshire
John Mirk of Lilleshall Abbey wrote in the 1300s of 3 fires made on St Johns Eve. One of Clean bones, to purify and deter spirits. The second is a wakefire, made of wood, the social circle of warmth. the final was of bones and wood, a ritual blaze called St Johns fire. #Folklore
John Mirk of Lilleshall Abbey wrote in the 1300s of 3 fires made on St Johns Eve. One of Clean bones, to purify and deter spirits. The second is a wakefire, made of wood, the social circle of warmth. the final was of bones and wood, a ritual blaze called St Johns fire. #Folklore
I'm fascinated by the Sin Eater's place in Shropshire Folklore - a person who exists outside of the boundaries of the community, yet necessary for its spiritual safety. You can read about shropshires last Sin Eater by following the link below
The Sin The concept of Sin Eating was first introduced to me when I was a teenager, on reading ‘Precious Bane’ by Mary Webb. This fantastic novel (...
St Peter's church, Worfield, was said to have been moved by the Devil during its construction. Originally, it was supposed to be built on a nearby hill, but The Devil did not want this, so he spent every night undoing the construction work, moving bricks to the current site. #Folklore #Shropshire
Around the 18th century, Mitchell's fold stone circle was the subject of many folk tales. One lesser known story suggested that the landscape belonged to a giant called Medgel, who used the stones as an enclosure to keep his magical cattle.
The ghost is a necessary creature. A voice in the static, calling across the centuries. We shouldn't question their existence. We should instead ask, why do they endure on? what message do they wish to share? What can we learn from them? #Folklore #Shropshire
Folklore is a Palimpsest, a physical reminder that the past holds space in the presence. A living, breathing continuum. It calls out from the ephemeral, 'we were here. We lived, and we loved. We weren't so different from you' #Folklore #Shropshire
Thomas Wright wrote that in 1287, a great treasure was guarded at the ruins of Uriconium in Shropshire. It lay safely here until a local conjurer used wicked spells and incantations to bewitch the guard. The conjurer took the treasure, and it was never seen again.
Shropshire Folk once believed that reciting the bible was a powerful thing, filled with potential for cursing. If one chanted Psalm 109 at a wedding, it had a terrible effect on the newlyweds, blighting their happiness and even bringing about their deaths.
It was wonderful to finally visit Dairy Pit. It's the subject of a great body of folklore. The water is riddled with spirits, and lost souls still wander nearby. Locals report ominous feelings, and other tales talk of a mermaid who once guarded the depths. I'm currently writing all about its lore!
Augustus Hare wrote that local people regarded Mitchell's fold stone circle with caution. This was because it was the abode of pooks and other mischievous spirits. These spirits sought to play tricks on unsuspecting visitors and even cause them harm. #Shropshire #Folklore
#OTD in June 1914 Edward Neville Richards, a pit boy at Freehold Colliery near Oakengates singlehandedly saved a pony that was in danger of being crushed by moving machinery. He suffered a broken leg but later received a silver medal from the RSPCA for his efforts. #Shropshire
Gosh, she is so polite ✨️