
When #Climate scientists are terrified by what they see coming we should be too. There is no time to wait. We're in a #climateEmergency. #ActOnClimate #climate #energy #renewables
Been studying this all my life and while I would never call myself a proper scientist I have worked in research (as a sort of assistant, I'm not smart enough for science, just math)... and yeah, it's over IMO. We're past cooked.
That said, remediation is never too late.
that's amazing. Every bit of research, awareness, and action helps. Don't underestimate your contributions—math and data are crucial in understanding and addressing these issues. Let's keep pushing for change and inspiring others to do the same.
I certainly do my best to do that, but I'm easily stuffed in the "Lefty wacko" bin.
I'm no scientist, but I did just join the California Climate Action Corps. Not sure if it will be futile, but the fires are out of hand and doing nothing doesn't sit well with me.
That's amazing. Every effort counts, and taking action at the community level can make a big difference. The fires are indeed alarming, and it's inspiring to see people like you stepping up. I'm not in California but if there's any way in which i can help, don't hesitate to reach out