Jörg Hillebrand

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Jörg Hillebrand


I ❤️ Star Trek, every incarnation of it. Period. Don't try to read any negativity in my posts - it's simply not there.
#StarTrekPicard Research Assistant
#ProdigySpoilers Opening Borg transwarp tunnels/conduits with tachyon pulses, as Zero does in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"↖️↗️, goes all the way back to the conduits' first appearance in #StarTrekTNG's "Descent I"↙️↘️. 👌👌
#ProdigySpoilers After they were first mentioned in #StarTrekVOY's "Real Life"↙️↘️, we finally see Parrises squares ion mallets in #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty No Truth?"↖️↗️.
#ProdigySpoilers I love Maj'el's medical tricorder, seen at the end of #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Furious"⬅️. Compare it to the #StarTrekTNG medical tricorder ("The Chase"➡️) and you'll find every single regular tricorder button PLUS the Starfleet Medical emblem. 😍😍
#ProdigySpoilers We see Ovidians with pink and red eyes in #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty No Truth?"⬆️. Could these possibly originally be Organians (#StarTrekTOS' "Errand of Mercy"↙️) or FGC 47 lifeforms ("#StarTrekTNG's "Imaginary Friend"⬇️↘️)?
#ProdigySpoilers The Kazon emblem ↗️ is seen several times in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Furious"↖️↙️↘️. And as always with that logo, it is not completely correct, as the 2nd pic with #StarTrekVOY appearances shows. 😅 www.ex-astris-scientia.org/inconsistenc...
#ProdigySpoilers The shot of a nebula that segues into a close-up of Zero, right at the beginning of #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty No Truth?"⬆️ was taken from the show's end credits, where it appears at the very end.
#ProdigySpoilers Dal/Zero is particularly fond of the Cardassian yamok sauce in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"⬆️. Look closely and you'll see green asparagus, just what Tora Ziyal combines yamok sauce (only seen here) with in #StarTrekDS9's "By Inferno's Light"⬇️.
#ProdigySpoilers Paxans ("#StarTrekTNG's "Clues"⬅️, did Data spill the beans...?) and Calamarains ("Deja Q"➡️) are said to be living on Ovidia IV in #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty no Truth?"⬆️. Here are two Ovidians with matching eye colors ↙️↘️.
As already announced! Some cool find in these two episodes left!
Today and tomorrow, I shall be writing about #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious" and "Is There in Beauty no Truth?".
#ProdigySpoilers I love the way Gwyn says "Sto-vo-kor" in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"⬆️, just as cool as when Erica Ortegas says "lirpa" in #StarTrekSNW's "Spock Amok"⬇️. :-)
#ProdigySpoilers Apart from another Excelsior-class saucer and Klingon BoP pieces, we see hull pieces of several Gorn rading vessels on the Kazon planet in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"⬅️. The model was originally created for #StarTrekTOS "Arena"-remastered ➡️
#ProdigySpoilers In #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty no Truth?", we learn that Parrises squares is played with a ball, which can be seen in these screenshots. In the past, we only knew about ion mallets and ramps. ;-)
#ProdigySpoilers This is all we see of the sonic toilet aboard the Infinity in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious". I found it super funny that Dal kept on talking about Captain's logs and personal logs only seconds after Jankom left the toilet... ;-)
#ProdigySpoilers The whole Infinity crew (well, apart from Zero) wore the Medusan protective visors (first introduced in #StarTrekTOS' "Is There in Truth no Beauty?"↘️) in #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty no Truth?"⬆️↖️. Ah, the symmetry, or rather, the chiasmus. :-)
#ProdigySpoilers Here are the beauty shots of USS Voyager-A, as seen in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious". 👌👌
#ProdigySpoilers After decades of hearing about the game on various #StarTrek shows, we finally see a Parrises squares court in #StarTrekProdigy's "Is There in Beauty no Truth?" :-) It does have the ramps mentioned in #StarTrekTNG's "Future Imperfect". :-)
Today and tomorrow, I shall be writing about #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious" and "Is There in Beauty no Truth?".
#ProdigySpoilers In case you were wondering about the alien language seen on this poster in Gwyn's quarters in #StarTrekProdigy's "Observer's Paradox"↖️ and "The Fast and the Curious"↗️: It's not the written Borg language but Dr. Jago's language from season 1's "Masquerades"↙️↘️.
#ProdigySpoilers Kazon Oglamar (like Maje Ekthi in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"⬆️) were seen only twice on #StarTrekVOY, in "Alliances"↙️⬇️ and "Maneuvers"↘️. Notice how they all wear multilayered, colorful clothes with long robes. Great continuity! :-)
#ProdigySpoilers #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"↘️ features a rare Borg logo appearance. So far, it has only been seen in these earlier episodes: #StarTrekTNG: "Q Who", "TBoBW I+II", "Descent I+II", #StarTrekVOY: "Unimatrix Zero I" and #StarTrekPicard: "Penance".
#ProdigySpoilers Should "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" not work in a future exchange with an outrageous person, I shall use "You got Ceti eels for brains?" instead from now on!👌 "Elaan of Troyius" ↖️, "Star Trek II"↗️, "Star Trek 09"↙️, #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and..."↘️
#ProdigySpoilers #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious" gave us 4 (!) new Kazon ship designs, all slightly different, all Kazon skiffs. I love this! :-)
#ProdigySpoilers After 26 years (!), we finally find out about the fate + registry of the USS Cairo (Captain Jellico's command in #StarTrekTNG's "Chain of Command I+II"↙️↘️) after we learnt it had disappeared in #StarTrekDS9's "In the Pale Moonlight"↗️⬅️➡️ on #StarTrekProdigy ↖️.
#ProdigySpoilers The Kazon interfaces seen in #StarTrekProdigy's "The Fast and the Curious"⬆️⬇️ absolutely match what we have seen before on #StarTrekVOY ("Alliances"➡️). This was very well researched! :-)
Today and tomorrow, I shall cover the excellent #StarTrekProdigy season 2 episode "The Fast and the Curious". I found several cool things in this one! :-)
#ProdigySpoilers Did Dr. Noum's holoprogram in #StarTrekProdigy's "Imposter Syndrome"⬆️ seem familiar? It's the fox/chicken/grain boat crossing/teambuilding holoprogram from season 1's "Time Amok"⬇️. 👌
#ProdigySpoilers It seems we have now seen all three shuttlebays of Voyager-A. What I presume is (the largest) shuttlebay 1 in "Into the Breach I"↖️↗️, the improv shuttlebay 3 in "Into the Breach II"↙️↘️ and what must be shuttlebay 2 in "Imposter Syndrome"⬅️➡️.
#ProdigySpoilers Why a "Hanonian pickle" (#StarTrekProdigy's "Imposter Syndrome"⬆️) you may ask yourselves: Well, one of the only food sources the crew was able to locate on Hanon IV in #StarTrekVOY's "Basics"⬇️ were "cucumbers, or something like them". What a deep cut!
#ProdigySpoilers #StarTrekProdigy's "Imposter Syndrome" features these three awesome shots of Lamarr-class USS Voyager-A facing the blue unknown! :-)