
Avatar In unrelated news: There is no way to force an unfollow on here other than a block? I really appreciated the block/unblock flexibility of the other place…
Yeah, there's no soft block. Sadly. So when you block, they stay following. Which feels weird. Like if you then unblock, they're still following you.
WAIT. They are still following when I block them?! That seems to be an entirely different notion of what it means to block! 🤔 I’m not saying I don’t want them..I’m saying they don’t get to have ME. That’s interesting. I avoided the worst of the other place, I hope I manage as least as well here…
They can't see you! But, the setting is still in place to follow you, if that makes sense. Let me find an analogy. When you turned off a TV, you left the volume on high. Now, you turn the power on. And, the TV comes on loud. Because the power switch didn't affect that setting. Capisce?
GOT IT. Your “they stay following” line had me shook! Okay… Meanwhile, I have a fan that comes on full “wind tunnel” level when you press the on button even when you had it set to “gentle breeze” when you last had it on. It’s more annoying than you would expect! 😊