
- We brought game history to GDC! We ran the Game History Gallery Booth, where we showed game devs all the different things that "game history" can mean
- We argued for copyright reform for game preservation in front of the US government!! Back in April, we made headlines taking on copyright lobbyists and made a strong case for making game history more accessible. We'll know our results this fall.
- We expanded! We have a new space for processing our collections, and we're investing in new tools, technology, and techniques to scan things better, faster, and cheaper. The results are already paying off. We've scanned tens of thousands of pages just since May!
- We've been preserving more exciting materials! Here's just a snapshot of what we've done, including art from Craig Stitt (Sega and Insomniac Games), restoring Nintendo's first US commercial, and helping recover a lost Atari 2600 game. These and more will be coming to our upcoming digital library.
- We helped bring a classic back to life! As part of our project to preserve the collections at Cyan (developers of the Myst series), we helped recover some original recordings that Cyan used in their recently remake of Riven! That's us in the credits ❤️