
This guy, who liked to call himself “America’s Most Dangerous Dad,” had been going nuts in his local district, suing teachers and administrators, calling them “sexual predators” and “groomers” etc. In the end, the man claiming Maine public schools destroys families decided to destroy his own
They're already pushing his corpse around for the agenda, I see. Glad to see so much loss was felt.
hey so it’s really great you’re using alt text but just fyi the link in the alt text gets read out by screen readers and it’s probably not very fun to hear a huge link rather than just the text!
Damn it, thanks for the heads up on that; is it better to put it after the alt description? I'd like to leave the link somewhere if possible to cover my bases.
i wouldn’t put it in the alt text at all. just put it in your regular post, if you want to link it. the link itself gets shortened if you don’t delete it even with the link card, so screen readers don’t have to read out a bunch of stuff, either way.
All right, I'll try that; I don't want to get the link to supercede the image, so as long as it does that I've got no probs with it (unless I'm hitting a char limit but I need to be more succinct anyway)
if you get the link card in your post, you can delete the link itself and that shouldn’t take up any characters. i usually like to post the image and what i’m saying and then follow up with the article link in a second reply. but it’s all whatever works for you!