
This often gets raised in the context of political retribution when the more obvious concern is civil society, protest groups, abortion providers, trans care providers, anyone "harboring" undocumented people. If you want to know how Trump will use DoJ just look to Ken Paxton in TX.
"This means that if Trump returns to office, he will have free rein to wield the Justice Department as he sees fit—and he and his allies have already given plenty of indications as to what they plan to do." Alito and Thomas serve a very useful function in drawing attention away from Roberts.
John Roberts Casually Obliterates Independent Justice The Supreme Court chief justice used Donald Trump’s immunity ruling to wreck the concept of an independent Department of Justice.
"to carry out his constitutional duty to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed,’" And if he doesn't, so what? - nobody can touch him.
I don’t even think the president should be immune while in office, but this makes me insane