
Is there a reason more trans people don't talk about Jan Morris?
She said one of my favorite things about DC, namely that it looks like it's meant to be ruins after the apocalypse
This was a thing in Nazi architecture. The idea was that the buildings would continue to convey the aesthetic value of Reich for thousands of years. Speer: Hitler liked to say that the purpose of his building was to transmit his time and its spirit to posterity.
Ruin value -
Washington and Nazi architecture definitely have a Roman influence in common, so in some ways, it's kind of baked in to Washington.
Jan Morris is a legend, always tough but kind 👇🏼 “Toronto is the most undemonstrative city I know, and the least inquisitive. The Walkman might be made for it. It swarms with clubs, cliques, and cultural societies, but seems armour-plated against the individual.”
I liked Conundrum quite a bit. And Hav is fantastic.
I haven’t heard of this, is it something to worry about?
I'd never heard of her until just now, and went to look her up. I'm tempted to give Conundrum a read, just for a sense of how things were talked about in the time, which all seems much calmer than today
I think her daughter had some harsh words to say, I've never really delved into it. But yeah, for a long time she was one of the most visible trans people. I was startled the other day watching a DVD of "The Flipside Of Dominick Hyde" (1980) as an extra was a "Did You See?" episode and she was...
... one of the reviewers on the panel. And it was completely novel to see a trans women included on a programme with no reference to her being trans and no squabbling about gender. Society has seemingly completely lost its senses in the (near) half century since.
I love her writing, in which a huge theme is being neither here nor there. That resonates with me. I think she was more present in the media in the 90s when she was, well, alive.
She was pretty low-key. Wasn’t interested in being a celebrity or anything.