
I think some of us struggle to accept Biden's authority and autonomy here. It's his decision, period.* He's an adult person with all attendant rights, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and his party's presumptive nominee. If he digs in, we gotta go with it. Make peace with that now.
Tell me I'm wrong: A bunch of the media and donor class panicked, for good reason, after the debate. Made a big coordinated push to make Biden step aside. Didn't work, wounding pride of lots of big egos. Now too miffed to concede so stuck denying that Biden can win to justify continued aid to Trump.
* Exceptions: a) 25th Amendment; b) convention delegate revolt. a) does not happen barring an actual stroke, an undeniable display of profound and terminal cognitive incapacity, etc. b) could happen if things just get worse and worse but very unlikely if the status quo basically holds.
Especially true given how weak the tea has been to any sort of close reading. People that are predisposed to Biden being in mass massive cognitive decline, suffer from a lot of confirmation bias and people that are digging in against them (a big chunk of the party, including myself) do too. Logjam.
The campaign was on shaky ground b4 this, and then the media go to AOW against Biden running, only to now have it look like he will soldier on, but heavily damaged. It's as if the NYT's goal was not for a new candidate, but for bringing back Trump. At this point, how do u salvage the campaign?