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Ex-barrister & tech company director. Politically centre right, not libertarian. Mostly grumpy & foul mouthed. Write bad code for fun, photographer, sing bass in a choir. UK based. Do not write about the law.

Convinced everyone else is an hallucination.
Apparently there was some sportsball event and we did badly. I don't give a fuck.
Truss has blamed the scale of the Tories’ general election defeat on Rishi Sunak “trashing my record”. There comes a point when added commentary is superfluous. We have arrived at it.
Truss blames Sunak ‘trashing my record’ for Tory election Former prime minister says Conservative candidates have ‘paid the electoral price’ for her successor’s errors
Can I just say "stuff the foosyball tomorrow"? Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter.
Had to give my year of birth to an official. They looked at me uncomfortably, I think their nappies were chafing, with a look that clearly said "Wasn't that the year Queen Victoria died?"
I do not understand all these drawings of anthropomorphised dogs and and cats etc. I'm thinking this may be the Furry thing? It is utterly infantile. Grow the fuck up.
I have voted. I think it is the Monster Raving Looney party's time to show what they can do to save the country
The difficult thing about surviving the apocalypse if you are a billionaire is not fighting of the raging hordes of zombies or plebs. It's fighting off your very own Special Forces protection team. You're no use to them anymore, they have guns you have assets. And they always hated you anyway.
Sooo, Elizabethan gloryholes! Nothing changes
O, kiss me through the hole of this vild wall!
Americans: stop saying "sodder" when talking about solder, the correct pronunciation is "sole der".
Reading kids The Pied Piper. A tradesmen steals a towns' children because they renege on payment for pest control services. He's on shaky legal grounds: better approach is action for damages. Child abduction may be a self-help remedy giving rise to criminakl consequences. Kids say I'm boring.
Oh dear. Asked copilot about Chekov's plays And "buy me" ads are appearing. Not seen this before. The enshitification of LLMs begins...
This smells like bullshit. Apple trying to undermine DMA using psy-ops? "We'd love to give you doughnuts but the DMA..." I'm thinking of upgrading to iPhone16 which might happen with AI but if they have a hissy fit - fuck 'em. May wait till 17 (& AI won't even arrive this year anyway)
XL Bully owner thought her dogs were her “sons” and “didn’t give a fuck” if other people thought they were dangerous or aggressive. Her “sons” killed her. Good riddance to the silly bitch, and her sons.
XL bully owner referred to dogs as her ‘sons’ before being mauled to Fatal attack on 23-year-old woman prompts call for Ireland to follow UK and Northern Ireland in banning the breed
“Iain Dale 'never liked' town where he wants to be MP” Innovative approach to canvassing voters: “you suck but can I be your MP?” Am predicting he will achieve a massive win.
Iain Dale ‘never liked’ town where he wants to be Broadcaster said he was living in Royal Tunbridge Wells ‘against his will’ in 2022 but has now quit job to run as MP
wife & M-in-Law firmly of the view the kids need "cultural References" so we are watching Britain's Got Talent. FFS. I wanted Dad's Army or the Forsyte Saga but, no, they get RetardTV.🤬
"Thames Water has asked for permission to raise bills by up to 44pc – or 59pc – to shore up its finances & invest in its ageing Victorian pipes and sewers." Nearly, I'm sure you meant to say "pay massive dividends to its shareholders"
Thames Water lender races to offload £600m of loans amid election Fire sale comes as prospect of Labour government adds to water industry doubts
Post Office Horizon: I genuinely wonder whether Vennells etc are being truthful. I suspect at some point, even quite late, they really believed they were being truthful. And not till quite late did they know, start lying and covering up. The lawyers and expert witnesses knew however.
Jaw dropping. 90% bill increase?! And they claim it's needed "for investment" but it's just so they can pay huge dividends to shareholders, none of whom inject their own cash. OFWAT is fucking disgrace who've been captured by the industry they should be regulating.
Water firms ask for bill rises of between 24% and Southern Water wants to increase its bills by £436 a year, but is not expected to get approval.
Voted. Also I emailed the Conservative candidate to explain that I didn't vote for him because of Sunak's Voter ID rules which were intended, US style, to disenfranchise young poor or left wing voters. I am none of those, So, own goal really. But corruption deserves it's rewards.
No Lefty but, fuck non-doms. Prick wants to live here but not be taxed like the rest of the us. If I own £100m of assets overseas HMRC gets its slice; this guys says "I should pay £200k tops 'cos I can run away & you'll be poorer." See ya, we'll take the £ hit.
‘I am moving – that is it’: tycoon speaks out about the end of non-dom tax Entrepreneur Bassim Haidar says ending the break is self-defeating as total UK tax take will fall amid an exodus of the super-rich
Hmmm. Muting words doesn't seem to apply retrospectively to posts. Bugger.