Mike White

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Mike White


Associate Professor of Genetics at Washington University in St. Louis. I write about genomics at https://thisgenomiclife.substack.com
I will not be at the beach this summer, but if I were, this would be my beach read: Michael Lynch's long-awaited magnum opus, Evolutionary Cell Biology. global.oup.com/academic/pro...
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One of our recent pre-preprints: We deploy active machine learning to train neural network models of regulatory DNA. We can keep generating rounds of experimental data ad nauseum, but what data should we focus on to train better models? Check out our answer: www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...
Active learning of enhancer and silencer regulatory grammar in a developing neural tissuewww.biorxiv.org bioRxiv - the preprint server for biology, operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a research and educational institution
My most recent post is why, when you have a great hammer, it's good to treat everything like a nail. Massively parallel DNA sequencing is a superb hammer, but scalable imaging may be next. Thoughts on an imaging talk by a WashU colleague: thisgenomiclife.substack.com/p/why-maslow...
Why Maslow’s Hammer is a great approach to biologythisgenomiclife.substack.com Turning everything into a sequencing problem has been amazingly successful. Now let's turn everything into an imaging problem.
In May, I wrote about the FDA's approval of the first CRISPR gene therapy, for sickle cell disease - a partial fulfillment of the nearly century-long hope for therapeutic gene editing. open.substack.com/pub/thisgeno...
The First CRISPR Gene Therapy is a Bank Shotopen.substack.com Programmable gene editing with CRISPR/Cas systems has finally arrived at the clinic but there are still problems to solve
Finally getting around to checking this place out. I'll start by introducing my new newsletter This Genomic Life on what's happening in X-omics, machine learning, and imaging in biomedical science. Follow me for occasional reports from the frontier. thisgenomiclife.substack.com/p/technology...
Technology always exceeds our imaginationsthisgenomiclife.substack.com Welcome to This Genomic Life
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