
Does linear time take a min to set in for other folks in the morning, or is it just me?
But how do you handle the everything all at once? Adderall helps me get JUST enough of a beat to be able to grab and direct my attention and thus settle things out a little, but so far meds are the only thing that helps. Maybe if I went from v sedentary to always in motion? Knees would hate it...
I kinda just ride the wave. I hold certain goals and tasks in my mind (OCD is useful for this) and just let myself go with those goals. They happen. Sometimes I have to redirect
Ah! I don't have the OCD ability to lock on to things framed as emergency/super important, not QUITE. That only kicks in at the very last minute. I've been mildly successful in inducing something like hyperfocus, but it requires enough altering of my surroundings that it's just not feasible, usually
And yes, honestly, SAME. The constant mild panic in my eyes is mostly imperceptible on zoom, thank the gods.
There's a reason I get up at 6:30am but don't leave the house until 9. Daddy needs time for his brain to start and warm up in the morning, and the older I get the more it's like the choked carburetor in the Prelude. πŸ˜‚
This is SO REAL. My brain is a CPU from 1998 in the mornings. Once I boot up, I need way more time than you'd think to start my processes and wake, much less connect. HECC!
Sometimes I wake up and I’m not sure if it’s today or yesterday or 2007 or 2033 and then I call my best dog ever and when they don’t come running I remember they’ve been gone for over ten years and I get a little sad and then I get back to work on trying to separate time from the fabric of space and
I’m THISCLOSE! I just need 1,000 kg of a stable isotope of Ununpentium (atomic element 115) which doesn’t exist naturally on Earth and probably only exists briefly inside supernovas of ultra-massive stars and machine to focus gravity into an artificial massless singularity to create a wormhole and
I feel like I need to have a Morning Meeting with myself to get Time to work correctly
My brain heard 'meeting' and retreated into the trees, but I can see this tactic workin!!! I usually just sit in the chaos stew panic of everything happening at once and try to pick out and place things 'later'. Not very efficient. Alas.
bold of you to assume you can tell how long it takes, by which I mean I admire your hubris here, anyway yeah.