Geoff Johnson

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Geoff Johnson

Teacher and dad. As a student once wrote of me in an evaluation, “CAN BE FUNNY AT TIMES."
Can’t imagine how he would have managed to do that oh wait
Lots of people don't notice it but Paul Revere did actually sign.
Rutgers University and the Newark Police Department are trying to break up the Palestine solidarity encampment here in Newark. Rally happening right now nearby. Please share widely.
Dropped off some supplies and talked with folks at the Rutgers Newark Palestine solidarity encampment. Beautiful place with beautiful people. If there is a campus movement near you, please go check it out and offer support if you can.
This kind of thing is really, really bad though, and in general I think the Israeli government line is unsurprisingly filtering through US Jesus more easily at the moment.
The cover of the weekly news magazine that my nine-year-old reads does a better job foregrounding calls for peace and restraint than most major media outlets. I wish that this was hyperbole.
Journalism only has enough resources to cover one of these stories. We need to make a choice.
The abolitionist William Craft was born 200 years ago today.* Who was he, and why should we remember him? *Wikipedia and other sites list September 25, 1824 as Craft’s birthday, but his biographer Ilyon Woo gives it as 9/22/1823 on page 31 (see image) of her recent book (more on which below!).
William and Ellen Craft were an enslaved couple who, in December 1848, pulled off one of the boldest and most influential self-emancipations in US history. While their story was quite well-known at the time in both North and South, today it is far more obscure.
The details of the Craft’s escape from GA are remarkable and harrowing. Ellen (born in 1826) dressed in the garb of a wealthy slave owner and brilliantly played the role of a sickly young white man headed North for treatment, accompanied by William (her husband) the "young man's" ostensible “slave.”
This was my actual Wordle effort a couple of words ago. Seems hard to believe that I’ll ever have a greater accomplishment in this century. (Note: In all likelihood, this was my final skeet—or whatever this is—about Wordle. Hopefully it was fun for everyone.)
End of feed.