
It's a truly jaw-dropping and shocking scandal, that few people have heard of: chemical wastes are now being deliberately mixed with sewage, then spread on our fields. The impacts on people and ecosystems? No one knows. This week's column.
A cocktail of toxins is poisoning our fields. Its effect on humans? Nobody can tell us | George Many of the chemicals being spread as sewage sludge are untested or can’t be assessed. That’s why I’m suing for answers, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
What a shocking story. Thanks for exposing
Have you got any goodnews stories?
Outrageous shorttermism, idiocy on the part of farming corporations.
If they can’t kill us one way they’ll find another way.
Small, sustainable, organic and permaculture family farms and gardens that feed people and communities are making a difference in both rural and urban areas. Good for people, good for creating habitat, good for the planet. No, can’t feed billions yet, but it’s having an impact. #organic gardens
Also a concoction of pharmaceuticals in the sewage
UK laziness never stops to amaze me, I thought the dutch were bad. You win.
Here I twas being pissed on Monsanto.
I'm confused. How are microplastics supposed to get past the casparian strip? Heck, how are they even supposed to flow through the cell wall? Roots are basically exceedingly effective filters. Or is the fear having them sprayed on leaves and fruit?
Lovely. But frankly, if the Brits would die out as a result of food contamination, the world might as well perceive it with a relief.
and we wonder why there's an explosion of autoimmune disorders...
I do, I call it the fish tank theory. I had fish when I was a kid. Neon tetra, black mollys, tiger barb, the whole sort of fresh waters. I was unable to buy the filter and chems to keep the tank clean and proper ph. After a few days, fish started swimming abnormal, some were isolating themselves.
Others were acting out aggressively. A few days later, fish were running into the tank wall as fast as they could to break their jaw, fish suicide. Others were attacking other fish of the same species, lesions and tumors were forming, disease was becoming a problem. Some of the fish were dying.
The next day, the tank collapsed and all fish were dead. Take the word fish out and replace with people and you have the problem we are going through now. Furthermore, I think the 1% knows this and is driving this climate disaster to reduce the population to a more controllable level.
The only problem with this approach to population reduction is the fact that the planet itself is gong to go through a long period of change where the planet will mostly be uninhabitable. The rich will hide in their underground bunkers and wait it out.
Nobody can tell us? Turning a blind eye to science is dishonest . What do these people think microplastics do in our anatomical filter systems : our livers and kidneys ?
Does this happen in other countries, from where we might be importing food too?