
Trump is already talking about using the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, if he is reelected, to put down any civil protests. I can’t stress this enough.
No matter what you think of Biden, his age, his policies, he is no dictator. He believes in democracy. We cannot let Trump anywhere near the White House again.
First reposter... Do I get a prize?
Oh lord. I'm now HEAVILY overladen by woke gays! Hi y'all!
Very classy Mr T. 👍👌
I don't think that sentiment will be enough for Biden to win. The last thing I want for America's future is for Trump to be re-elected, but I can't fault people for not believing in Biden right now.
A lot of people voted on Biden because they thought he would improve life for them, he would restore rights that were taken, he would balance the courts, he would help save the lives of their friends, roll back some of the more heinous policies and he simply did none of those things. He doubled down
If things got worse for those people, regardless of whether it was Biden or Trump in the White House, why would they feel motivated to vote for him? None of those people want another Trump Presidency, but Biden did nothing to gain their vote again.
It's just another flaw of the belief that we only have two parties. SO MANY people are CONVINCED that they only have two options that you often see a "shinier of two turds" mindset when voting and it ends up electing a President because he wasn't "as bad as the other guy" but he still sucks anyway.
Until a miracle occurs and "FIrst Past The Post" is removed from how voting happens in the US, a third party will never be viable in a Presidential election. And the ones in charge have -zero- interest in making that happen of course.
I don't even think only having two candidates is what makes America's elections bad. I think it's a collection of the gerrymandering, the electoral college, the meaningless of the popular vote and... uh, oh yeah the fact that billionaire donations is what decides which two candidates go in the run.
Because he’s not the unicorn they want.
The bar is not particularly high: - Abortion Rights - Trans Rights - Livable Wages - Don't fund genocides If a candidate that holds those positions is a mythical horse then things are far worse in the States than even my most pessimistic views.
Because he’s supporting a genocide. Get phone banking
they would rather people compromise their morals and vote for a mass murdering president than advocate for vote pair which is legal and absolves them of the guilt
It’s like having to choose between typhus and a bad cold, and then go with typhus because having a cold is not being well anyway.
He does not believe in democracy
Avatar pretty much them telling us everything the republicans who favor fascists would like to do the day they start...
FINALLY SOMEONE MENTIONS IT! that fucking thing has made my life hell since I first heard about it. I'm genuinely terrified and I feel so powerless. I'm a left wing alligning person who prefers to stay far away from politics living in a household of right wing extremists that won't shut up about it.
I can't convince them that donald trump will turn this country into a fascist regime because they follow him blindly. I can't show them the mountains of research I have to support my beliefs because they'll lable it fake news. Help. Me.
George he is funding a genocide.
Funding a genocide is a hard line for me. It should be for you, too.
And how, exactly, would the other party be any different in this regard?
I’m not voting for them, either.
Well boy do i have some bad news about the shitty system we have in this country
I’m well aware of it. But if your whole argument is that the other guy is also bad then I don’t know what to tell you.
My argument is that your choices are between someone who there is a chance we might be able to convince to improve their position on the Middle East and someone who is currently advocating both war with Mexico and invoking the insurrection act on his first day in office to round up protestors.
So you're saying that no matter what we do through peaceful resistance, The United States is fundamentally committed to genocide? An interesting position with quite a few implications.
I'm quite surprised that your country even allows it. Certainly as long as the election fraud cases are still in court.
Trump would be disastrous, not only for the USA, for the world too. I fear the day that he is in the White House again. I hope that it will never-ever happen again.
The thought of Trump regaining the presidency is terrifying. Does anyone believe he'll concede if he loses? January 6th was a dress rehearsal.
I’m sure Palestinians are relieved that Biden believes in democracy
We're being told the GOP's plan by a republican campaign guy. Heed the warnings, America.
How is democracy characterized? Historians will always associate Biden with two major wars. And...Trump is a disaster. Sad that such a great country has only that at its disposal.