
None. Never said it was. It would require dems also getting a majority in both houses, and wanting to do it. But none of them are talking about it either. And none of them could do it if the president wanted to veto it. So I think my point still stands.
So…. My state doesn’t have tipped wages and has some of the highest if not the highest wages in the country. Our big city which has the highest minimum wage nation wide also has 2nd place in homelessness.
High wages are now correlated with high homelessness.
I guess it depends on if the market is free or not. They just raise prices with wages, because they can.
The people who are most homeless simply don’t have a job. And that is for any reason for not having a job
This is of course very revealing that little kids don’t have jobs and therefore any household with kids is more likely to be homeless especially because of noise complaints.
Two year olds cry and cause property damage. :)
We are seeing a lot of fair housing act violations. These are absolutely illegal evictions. But if they can’t sue they can’t defend themselves. Mentally ill are also more likely to be evicted, particularly for stuff like noise. Seniors who lose their partners also also. Same.
Also goes to show that free legal help is vital. The situation shouldn't be messed up in the first place, but everyone should have the ability to challenge if their rights aren't being respected. It should not be be behind a paywall.
American Rescue Plan actually did a lot in this arena. It’s just overwhelming and costly that it isn’t enough. But yeah little recognition it gets….
Yeah. It's the same here. Lots of people who are unable to work are homeless here too. All the social housing got sold (Thanks Thatcher!) and new one's aren't being built because the housing companies found loopholes around the laws that was supposed to force them to build them.
Sounds like similar to here. But heard it’s worse there. Our disability laws are stronger.