
Hopefully the Lib Dems will get second place today, and thus be the official opposition. I know some have said 'how can they oppose when they agree so much' and I counter that with 'have you even read the manifestos?' Plus, Proportional Rep getting a bigger push in parliament.
And yes, I know. Tuition fees. It was a betrayal. But depressingly there is no political party currently in the UK who hasn't gone against their election pledges, even the key ones. So ultimately one has to decide which ones are more important than others. It's a personal thing.
If you can never vote for Lib Dems again because of the tuition fees, fair enough. I think you are right to follow your conscience. I myself would much rather vote Green, if we had a proportional system. But, if the Tories manage to get second place, they'll probably be back in power in 5 years.
I really hope we can get PR, because tactical voting is annoying, and I don't like doing it. But in the end, I felt like I had to.