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They/them. I like music and spiders way too much. Amateur flutist. Arachno-communist/anti-capitalist. Ace. Divarisetäti.
Losing a pet is so weird. For the past 20+ years the first thing I always did in the morning is turn on the tiny snek's heat lamp. And I did so yesterday. And I did so today. And only having turned it on did I remember: oh yeah, he's ded, no need for heat lamp. Maybe I just need a new snek?
You know what's really cruel? Today is World Snake Day and two days ago my Kenyan sand boa went to snek heaven to catch mice. Well, here's him about a decade ago just after shedding when he always looked his most colorful and beautiful. He was such a pretty boi. <3
Woohoo pyöreä luku on pyöreä. Tää on suurin piirtein matka Helsingistä Paraguayn Asuncióniin! Aika hyvä matka neljän vuoden pyöräilyiksi sohvaperunalle vaikka itte sanonkin. Vähän ylpeä oon ittestäni vaikka se on kai ruma tunne tai jotain. :D
Kahvikiintiö jo päivältä täynnä, mutta kun hifistelymylly saapui, niin pitää kokeeksi keittää kofeiinitonta. Ja tulipa hyvää. Kokeilin Aeropressiin 22 klikkausta ja oli ehkä aavistuksen hienoa. Pitää kokeilla huomenna 24, jos se olisi hyvä. Ja olipa hyvä kahvi kofeiinittomaksi.
Ok booksky help me out of a rut. Ever since the 'rona came around I've felt the need for escapism so I've only read scifi and fantasy. I just can't seem to read anything else. Help! I wanna read other types of fiction too but I just can't seem to concentrate on it. How do I get back to enjoying it?
Oli muuten rankat synttäribileet eilen. Syöpöteltiin, keitin pari pannua teetä, silitettiin koiroo ja kuunneltiin musaa aina kello yhdeksään asti illalla. Tänään onkin sit niska ja hartiat jumissa. Ehkä näin riehakas bilettäminen pitää jättää nuoremmille.
It's Bastille day and non-binary day on my birthday! Isn't that just fitting for a non-binary pseudo-revolutionary? :D
Happy International Non-Binary People's Day! (What a coincidence that this day happens to be on my birthday!) Trans men are men and trans women are women and maybe one day non-binary people will be allowed to be non-binary instead of valid. :D :D
Pets dying is always shit. I've had this Kenyan sand boa for a little over 20 years and now it looks like he's dying. Essentially he's been a pet tub of sand. But I like this tub of sand! Oh well, go catch mice in snek-heaven you pretty little snek! <3
What is a "reply guy" and have I become a reply notaguy because I've been living vicariously my past life in archaeology because a person I follow is visiting the Near East where I used to go? I guess I shouldn't worry because everyone likes having comments on their posts, right? :D
Syötin just nettikauppaan kirjan tekijältä Arja Laine. Onkohan sen vanhemmat olleet vähän natsahtavia, jos tommoisen nimen antoi? :D
Onkohan mun kahvihifistely lähtenyt lapasesta? Veronpalautukset tulee kohta, joten törsäsin tän kuun palkasta ja tilasin ittelleni vihdoin Comandante C40 Mk4 kahvimyllyn. Kohta on sit kunnon käsikäyttöinen mylly kun toi mun wanha kämänen meni rikki.
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: comparative and historical linguistics JS Bach arachnids scifi/fantasy/speculative fiction Shostakovich flute-instruments the ancient Near East bad puns all fine beverages (wine, whisky, coffee, tea) bicycling
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: Cats Food Sleeping Gaming Traveling Rain Fire Crafts Silence Being alone
It's conductor Herbert Blomstedt's 97th birthday today! And he's still conducting! :O He's a bit of a living legend but what's everyone's fave Blomstedt recordings? I love his newer set of Nielsen. I haven't actually heard his earlier one.
Carl Nielsen : Symphony No. 1 in G minor Op. 7 (1892) YouTube video by Rodders
Reposted byAvatar Geshtin
this is a Nabatean inscription found at Petra; one of the interesting things about the Nabatean script is that it’s a direct progenitor of Quranic (Classical) Arabic script; the Nabateans wrote their inscriptions in two forms: the one presented here with distinct letters, (1/3)
Muut ihmiset hupilukemista: cozy crime hömppädekkari. Minä hupilukemista: iranilaisten kielten megapläjäys. Mikä mus on vikana? :D
It's Adam AND Eve not Adam OR Eve. I mean the hint is kinda in the name of the book: it's the Bi-ble not the Straight-ble.
Mun pyöräkypärä on punainen, linjakas, "nopean" näköinen ja siinä lukee Lazer. Mikä on musta aika lol, koska ajan mummopyörällä mummovauhtia. Mutta nyt sen kiinnitysklipsu meni rikki eli tartten uuden kypärän. Mikähän olisi hyvä, turvallinen kypärä, joka toimisi paremmin tohon mummoestetiikkaan?
This morning's listening has mostly been Sibelius's Wood-Nymph. An early work with some really lovely moments in it and a very harrowing, dramatic final movement of inconsolable grief. Fun stuff.
Jean Sibelius : The Wood-Nymph, tone poem Op. 15 (1894-95) Performed by the Lahti Symphony Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä.
Maratus! <3 I love these tiny itty bitty spoods. And they really are tiny like 4-5mm.
If I told you there was an animal in Australia with the colloquial name "Sparklemuffin" what would you picture? Click for the reveal! (not actually anything suggestive) (pic: Jurgen Otto)
Mitä Anna Magdalena Bach sanoi miehelleen vilkkaalla torilla? -Johann, nyt on markkinat.
Reposted byAvatar Geshtin
Happy hundredth anniversary of this news headline from The Daily Times, New Philadelphia, Ohio. (July 9, 1924.)
I'm almost at the end of my complete Allan Pettersson odyssey. Tonight's listening is his cantata Vox humana from 1974. Like his 12th symphony it's leftist poetry from Latin America. But it's atypical Pettersson in some ways. Not so dense, more approachable...
Vox humana, Pt. 1: No. 10, Provided to YouTube by Naxos Digital ServicesVox humana, Pt. 1: No. 10, Lynch · Swedish Radio Choir · Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra · Stig WesterbergPette...
Minä: ananas pizzassa on pepusta ja makeita asioita ei pidä laittaa suolaiseen ruokaan. Myös minä persialaissafkaedition: granaattiomena on just hyviä suolaisessa ruoassa ja tää on maailman parhaimpia ruokakulttuureja. Ja ei, nää ei oo ristiriidassa keskenään koska mä päätin niin.
Piloilla oleva nykynuorisolainen jätti oven auki ja nyt tänne lensi ampiainen. Miksei noi piloilla olevat nykynuorisolaiset osaa laittaa väliovea kiinni perässään? Must tulee ihan boomeri kohta ton oven takia.
Am I too thin-skinned? If I see jokey pronouns in bio I'm not gonna follow back? It might just be a bad sense of humor (guilty, so not gonna complain about that) but it might be transphobia. In fact it's most likely to be both?
This podcast thinks we geeks will debate passionately about whether we prefer a certain symphony or other by Bruckner or Mahler but not by Haydn. She takes Haydn's 77 and 102 as humorous examples. But I know we geeks are better than this. Are you team 77 or 102? :D
Miksi Maisteri rakastaa Bruckneria | Maisteri Lindgrenin musiikkiesitelmä ”Ja minun hirveä harhani oli se, että oudon pitkään sijoitin Brucknerin ja Mahlerin samaan laariin, eikä se mikään ihan pieni laari ollutkaan, pikemminkin tehdashalli, ja siellä muhivat nämä kaksi 75-...
Huh. This is weird. I'm not usually a big Beethoven symphony type of gal but today I've had his 3rd playing in my brain. What recordings of the 3rd do you all like? I have Monteux on LP and a CD of Kleiber sr. and both are pretty exciting. Who else? What should I put on now?
Mitäs jos sana "koirot" lausuttais kuten Hercule Poirot: kwarõ. Mä aion nyt ärsyttää uudella ääntämistavalla kaikki koirojen hoomanit.