
Thank you all for following! <3 I love this idea for art shares! Share your art, but also in your post share some art-related advice that has helped you, big or small! #artshare #art #arttips #artadvice
I'll start- I've said it before but its something that applies across media! It does not need to be perfect, every line doesn't need to be crisp and smooth and coloured in the lines. The imperfections make it you, and can make it more interesting to the viewer!
Thanks for the artshare! My art tip: Try out all kinds of weird brushes for lineart, if you do digital art and do lineart on your pieces. Sometimes the really unexpected ones hit the perfect sweet spot to turn it into fun instead of a chore. For me? I'm all about textured brushes.
Yess, playing around with brushes is good! I have one digital brush I made a couple years ago, I think for a specific reason, but now it's my go-to for general texturing, and making blocky background shapes.
-What works for others might not work for you -Draw/learn from life where possible -All and any practice is still practice-not everything you make will be good, you'll make a bunch of terrible stuff at some point so may as well get it out of the way and move on -Take regular breaks
Aaahh all very good ones!! And I love your detail and realism!!
I’m sleepy, so i don’t know if this is helpful advice. It’s on the topic of drawing hands. I learned the anatomy, however they only came 2 life 4 me when I stopped focusing on the anatomy & rather focused on the gesture & shape language. I will ignore anatomy if it gets in the way of expressiveness.
No that makes sense!!! And it does well, your art is amazing!
Thank you! Your art is wonderful too πŸ˜†
Thanks for the share! I draw wholesome and whimsical art whether it's original or fanart. We need nice things in our lives. When drawing fanart of characters you love, it is perfectly fine using references to learn how to draw them correctly. In the animation industry, you use them all the time.
Yeah that's definitely important to keep in mind! And and the we need nice things is a good point too, draw what makes you happy!