
As many will know, I am a huge admirer of Neil Gaiman's writing and have (to the extent you can ever tell with celebrities) thought of him as a pretty good egg. If any part of the allegations against him are true, I will be incredibly disappointed and upset...
... I would like to see at least a little more reporting around this before we settle on what appears to be true and what is not, though.
People coming forward and revealing that there were whisper networks about Gaiman carries a lot of weight with me. It sucks that these things need to exist, but my experience is that they're not usually based on nothing.
yyyeaaahh this all feels way too familiar and even his side of it is sketchy as fuck. occasionally this shit is actually made up for whatever reason, but overwhelmingly it's such a shitshow to speak up there's a reason "believe the victim" has been a mantra.
Absolutely, even his side of the story as reported does not make him look good at all. The source of this being people who very explicitly have an agenda about it is what gives me pause, and I haven't seen it picked up by major news outlets yet. But it certainly looks very very bad.
generally speaking, there's a reason for that. I mean, for the proponents of this particular strain of feminism. while they can be reductionist and hateful here as well--neither cis men nor trans women who are victims of SA get much sympathy ime--in this, I believe the sincerity.
The thing about TERFs is, they suck rancid donkey on obviously trans folk and also usually sex workers and are often racist and many other things. but their whole deal is sexual violence. that's what the "radical" in radfem is. not "super extreme" but sexual violence is the -root- of all oppression
I am already very distressed that he insulted one of the accusers' mental health, claiming that she had a condition that caused her to fabricate memories.
There's a lot in the story that does not make him look very good at all.
i'm hoping for the best, preparing for the worst