
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
I think some combination of fewer people on bsky, lots of people being deeply burned out on social media, and maybe bsky (or at least the people I follow here) skewing older than the voices I followed during Twitter's heyday?
I'd really like to see more science conversations and (and posts about science papers) on bsky. I wonder whether it's because we don't see the 'likes' of the people we follow, so we only find science posts if we see them in our own timeline. I miss sampling what other people are engaging with!
I’m skeetorializing a paper every day in July with #papersofnote! Mostly circadian/sleep neuro but sometimes whatever moves me. Today it’s gonna be social psych!
That's a fantastic point -- seeing people talk (positively, or at least constructively) about science is really missing from bsky. I also deeply miss the days of live-tweeting conferences, it was a great way to learn more about what everyone's up to!
I also miss people live-tweeting from conferences. : ( Twitter's algorithms had become terrible, but no algorithms at all is also not ideal - unless I've missed a setting that lets me see what others have liked! 'Popular with friends' doesn't quite hit the mark.
Honest response: I often see cool science conversations among cool science people and I’m just too shy to join in. Feels like horning into someone else’s friend group.
there are a bunch of unwritten social norms about bsky/etc. interactions, and everyone's on edge because a non-trivial number of accounts are actively acting in bad faith. it's really hard. :-(
Agreed. Plus other factors: for instance, it’s hard to be open on any platform because even if it’s non-sociopathic now, there’s no guarantee it will stay that way, and retroactive harassment is always possible.
I love meeting new sciency people here.
There is a "popular with friends" feed that does this.