Graham Johnson

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Graham Johnson

Localization by day. Comics the rest of the time.
“Solved” script problem I’ve been having with a story for a while by typing “figure the mechanics of this out visually in the art” so I’m going to get really angry with myself in the future.
Close up on my couch buddy tonight. Only thing the picture misses is his intense, unending purring.
A lot of the old EU was a mess, but what I miss is the parts where it let Star Wars be WEIRD AS SHIT. That's part of what made it feel like a huge place with countless stories. In some ways, the EU was "my" Star Wars as someone that grew up between the OT and PT and it's a fascinating era.
Catching up on A More Civilized Age as they go through the 90s Tales of the Jedi comics and I'm reminded that I was the asshole that didn't love KotOR as much because it wasn't as weird and wild as those comics were. Sith sorcerers, crazy monsters, and lightsabers with hip battery packs rule!
Catching up on A More Civilized Age as they go through the 90s Tales of the Jedi comics and I'm reminded that I was the asshole that didn't love KotOR as much because it wasn't as weird and wild as those comics were. Sith sorcerers, crazy monsters, and lightsabers with hip battery packs rule!
I had far far too many meetings today but it’s nice that the end result of the last one was an important person saying, quite literally “oh, yeah, do whatever Graham says”
They got a bath this morning so this is how they recover from such an awful event.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Johnson
I sneezed right after this and briefly scared the shit out of her.
Wasn’t the discourse just a week ago that it’s fine to block anyone for any reason and that’s your business?
Really want to get back to my Dark Urge BG3 run but I paused in most of the way through Act 2 as they announced the last patch with updated evil endings and such. I am waiting for that but it is killing me. Ironically.
I sneezed right after this and briefly scared the shit out of her.
At the end of the day, I mostly just think you shouldn't be an asshole in life.
Every so often, usually late at night, I think "Maybe I should just make this into a prose story and then it'd be easier and less in the way" This is a comic and the visuals are just as important. So I gotta do that if I want this to exist.
I am very tired. Just in general.
I do not enjoy Divinity Original Sin 2 as much as I believe I'm supposed to. Similar feelings towards the first game, despite what I've always been told. I'm kind of blown away by how similar this is to BG3 and how much this one just does NOT click for me.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Johnson
Caroline set up the window towel for the cats to sit on like a pillow and someone is lounging.
Caroline set up the window towel for the cats to sit on like a pillow and someone is lounging.
It remains WILD (in the best way) that they did the Strange Dogs story within the last season of the Expanse.
Well, I guess that’s one way to sleep on the couch.
Done with Fallout 4 replay. Did all the main quests and endings and as much of the side content as I could manage before just being tired of it. I had hoped I'd be softer on the game this time, but no, I really do dislike it a huge amount. Ah well. Onto other things.
This is apparently comfortable.
Still thinking about the airport sequence of Phantom Liberty.
The Gaiman story does seem suspicious. Even if the worst parts are untrue, other parts certainly seem to be and just…I dunno, guys. Don’t get in relationships with employees or fans or shit like that. Especially when they’re considerably younger. This shouldn’t be hard.
After midnight. Pitch black in the house. Silent other than the clock. Across the room, weird groaning occurs. One of the cats is dreaming. Apparently loudly.
Not being a morning person at all can really make being part of a time-zone-spanning large company with important meetings very exhausting. More than just meetings in general.
Thinking about a conversation Caroline and I had earlier today. It’s fascinating to me, but not surprising, the people that get into mentoring and advice as a career are almost always the people I feel like you should never, ever listen to for those things.
In the home stretch of doing the different endings for FO4. This replay has reminded me that I think I truly dislike this game despite wishing I didn't. Especially this far in, half the time I can't tell if something is just communicated poorly or is a legit bug/broken quest.
Her brother got jealous I was on the floor to get a picture of his sister so here he is, too.
She watches.
We’ve upgraded to sibling nap time.
A perfectly normal napping posture.